Comments on: Power Stations Terrorized In Baltimore News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Sun, 12 Feb 2023 22:52:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Tue, 07 Feb 2023 21:09:43 +0000 In reply to Mr.BD.

BD, if there’s one thing I’ve come to realize about White supremacists and their so-called “Master race” BS claim is that deep down inside they know it’s all a L.I.E. Heck, they’ve always known it. Just look at their history.

Everything they did/ and do is from a position of jealousy, envy, anger and fear. Especially Fear. They can’t buy enough guns to make themselves feel safe!

Hitler couldn’t murder enough Jews to make himself feel safe!

In America, White supremacists have spent Centuries trying to protect their Corrupt and Rigged Jim Crow systems. Centuries of trying to dehumanize and totally destroy “Others.” And now they would rather burn it all down than face the fact that America is changing. The world is changing.

Believe me BD, they know they’re full of it. They know Hitler and his minions WERE full of it. And they certainly know Trump IS full of it!

By: Mr.BD Tue, 07 Feb 2023 18:23:24 +0000 In reply to Truthiz1.

Hey Truth they like Hitler and Trump for the same reason. Because both of them walked around doing whatever they want and not following rules and because both of them made whites feel important. Hitler said they are the master race so people got behind that. Trump did the same thing when he said Make America great again. We all know that was code for go back to the time when everybody knew their place. It is all the same thing.

By: Mr.BD Tue, 07 Feb 2023 18:20:11 +0000 I know I am late to this today but this is an important story. These white supremacists are always looking for a way to take us down so they can be the master race.That is why they picked Baltimore and not someplace like Boston because of all the black people. The whole thing is sick and I am glad they caught them and they got arrested.

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 07 Feb 2023 16:11:38 +0000 So given that lethal losers all across this nation were emboldened by Trump to come out of the putrid swamps and cesspools they call “home” into the mainstream of America and cause destruction – can’t say I was surprised by the arrest of “Frick and Frack” (Russell and Clendaniel) for planning to destroy power grids.

However, I will admit I’ve never understood the Neo-Nazis worship of Hitler and his Nazi regime!?!

Neo-Nazis pretend they don’t know the actual history of Hitler and his regime – and true enough, most Neo-Nazis aren’t the brightest bulbs in the pack. But THIS they do know:

In the end, Hitler showed himself to be a maniacal Coward who chose to kill himself rather than face trial and a death sentence for his crimes against humanity. A few of his high-ranking men also killed themselves. Most of them simply ran away to other countries and hid. Eventually some of those who had committed the worst of war crimes were hunted down, brought to trial and hung!

And yet, “Neo-Nazis” in America and other countries worship at the clay feet of Hitler and his Nazi regime. I chalk it up to Ignorance, unimaginable FEAR and madness!

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 07 Feb 2023 13:41:52 +0000 Russell was incarcerated when he first met Clendaniel and they were both out on probation when their plot was launched to coordinate an attack on the power stations. […]- DJ

Thanks for this DJ! I had hoped you would cover this story. And once again, you did not disappoint.

Since the initial attacks on power grids last Dec. 2022, in Moore County, N.C. (which highlighted the vulnerability of our power grids all across this nation) I’d been thinking about WHO mostly likely was behind the attacks?

I figured the culprits were mostly likely White, most likely Trumpians (who tend to be racist nutjobs) and definitely Losers.

Don’t know if these two Yahoos are Trumpians(?) But they certainly are White and absolute Losers. Add “Neo-Nazi” to the description and you’ve got the trifecta of the typical White supremacist in America for at least the past 20 -25 years.
