
Pranks And Challenges Are Getting Out Of Hand

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It’s time to discuss social media pranks and challenges and how they’ve gotten completely out of hand.

Technology :
With the increased popularity of TikTok and YouTube, ordinary people are turning to these social media sites to gain attention and capture even a fleeting moment of fame. Some are accepting “challenges” to do stupid acts (some of which are extremely dangerous) just for the bragging rights of being able to tell their friends they did it. However, others are engaging in filmed pranks involving total strangers that rarely end well.


Last year, teens became absolutely obsessed with the Nyquil Chicken Challenge, where they were dared to baste a chicken breast in a pool of Nyquil and then eat it. Thousands accepted the challenge despite warnings from the FDA that boiling a cold and cough medicine changes its properties and makes it harmful to ingest.

A 16-year-old teen received 2nd and 3rd-degree burns over 80% of his body and wound up in the Intensive Care Unit after attempting the TikTok Fire Challenge, which involved an aerosol can and a lighter. A 13-year-old Ohio boy was killed after overdosing on a Benadryl Challenge.

Despite the dangers of social media challenges, kids are now turning to social media pranks. These so-called jokes involve fame seekers filming themselves attempting to make a fool out of total strangers solely for a moment of internet fame.

Earlier this month, a man in Belgium was arrested after he filmed himself dumping buckets of paint, feces, and other liquids onto unsuspecting metro passengers as part of a YouTube prank. Upon his arrest, the man admitted that he only did it to get as many “likes” as possible on social media.

In late 2023, a White male in Atlanta filmed himself approaching rapper T.I., his son, and 2 unnamed men. Dressed as a farmer, the prankster thought it would be funny to act as if he were a Southern racist. So, he ran up to the 4 males and shouted, “What are you doing here, boy?”

Man regrets racist social media prank against rapper T.I.

Almost immediately, one of the Black men placed the White prankster in a chokehold after assuming they were being confronted by a legitimate racist. The White prankster immediately shouted over and over that he was only filming a prank, and it was only then that the Black man released him from the chokehold.

“I don’t know what you trying to do [but] if this how you trying to go viral bro, that sh*t’ll get your ass hurt out here, man,” the Black man told the prankster. “I ain’t nobody’s boy, man. Now, go about your business. This ain’t the way to go about it, bro.”

On YouTube, a prankster filmed himself pouring “gasoline” on several cars in a parking lot. When confronted by a vehicle owner, the prankster went a step further and yelled “I’m burning your car down, bro. F*ck your car, man. It’s over.” 

That’s when the car owner pulled a gun on the man.  


The prankster immediately found himself begging for his life and repeatedly attempting to calm the owner down by explaining that the “gasoline” was only water and that it was all a big practical joke. He was mere seconds from being shot and potentially killed.

Why are young people so obsessed with social media fame and an unhealthy willingness to do almost anything just to be recognized on the internet?


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. “With the increased popularity of TikTok and YouTube, ordinary people are turning to these social media sites to gain attention and capture even a fleeting moment of fame.”

    “Why are young people so obsessed with social media fame and an unhealthy willingness to do almost anything just to be recognized on the internet?” 🤔

    DJ, your entire post, especially the opening and closing paragraphs, really sums up this very serious matter!

  2. Collectively, I think Our entire country is in one way, shape or form in Crisis. When it comes to young people in general, their Crisis level is up x 10!

    They are so messed up inside (emotionally and mentally) that they’re “obessed” with the worsts facets of the social media world and they have an unhealthy willingness to do pretty much Anything “just to be recognized on the internet.”

  3. These young people today are glued to their phone and cannot communicate with anybody. They have some real issues and seem bored all the time. I am not surprised they do all this crazy stuff for attention.

  4. Parents are letting the internet raise their kids because they have no time for them. They let kids get on the internet for hours at a time. Of course they are going to pick up all kind of things when they are not supervised.

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