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President-Elect Trump Unleashes Racism

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President-elect Trump spreading hate?
President-elect Trump spreading hate?

Top News Today –
President-Elect Trump
Unleashes Racism

The words “hate,” “racism,” and “President-elect Trump” have all become synonymous in recent days, following last Tuesday’s surprise election of a race-baiting reality television star with NO experience to become President of the United States. No wonder people have taken to marching in the streets by the thousands against the man who has set the wheels in motion to “Make America HATE Again!”

Top News Today
President-elect Trump spent the better part of his entire political campaign stirring up the emotions of racists and hate mongers, who, at least until recently, have been lurking in the shadows. Now, with the election of Trump, they’ve been emboldened and given permission to come out of the woodworks and proudly spread their brand of hate openly and for all to see.

president-elect-trump-kkkOn Saturday, the Ku Klux Klan held a victory parade in North Carolina in honor of Donald Trump. Former Grand Dragon David Duke called Trump’s win “the happiest night of my life,” adding, “Make no mistake about it, our people have played a HUGE role in electing Trump!” For the KKK to celebrate you, something is terribly wrong with your message — yet Trump has gone radio silent and refused to acknowledge, distance himself from, or show leadership by shutting down all acts of racism and hate.

His silence has only added fuel to the fire.

On Sunday, someone painted a Swastika on a Brooklyn, NY sidewalk. This was after Swastikas were drawn on the doors of 4 dorm rooms at The New School in Manhattan.

If that wasn’t enough, the words “Make America White Again” and a Swastika were painted onto a softball field dugout in Wellsville, New York. Additionally, a swastika and the word “Trump” were painted inside a residence hall on the campus of SUNY Geneseo. The name ‘Trump!’ was also scribbled on a Muslim prayer room door in New York City.

We’re only getting started.

In Minnesota, student Moses Karngbaye said he was terrified to see the racist graffiti “Trump,” “Whites only,” and “White America” sprawled on a bathroom door at his Maple Grove Senior High School. His fears doubled when the words “#Go back to Africa” and “Make America great again,” were written on a toilet paper dispenser at the school.

Black freshmen at the University of Pennsylvania found “violent, racist and thoroughly disgusting” messages on their phones Friday after they were added to a racist GroupMe account, the university said. The messages graphically described lynchings in honor of the Trump victory.

Also in Pennsylvania, the words “Sieg Heil 2016” and “Trump” — with a swastika substituted for the T in Trump — were spray-painted on a building in Philadelphia. Additionally, the words “Trump Rules,” “Trump Rules Black Niggers” and the letter “T” were spray-painted on 3 vehicles and a house on South Sixth Street.


Top News Today
In Durham, North Carolina, the words “Black Lives Doesn’t Matter And Neither Does Your Vote” were prominently spray-painted across a wall. Additionally, a white man in Tennessee engaged in racist road-rage when he pulled in front of a black motorist, jumped out of his car, then began yelling racial epithets at the man.

president-elect-trump-voters“Trump, Trump all the way,” the racist screamed, before calling the black man a nigger numerous times, saying black lives don’t matter and white people got “ripped off” when slavery ended.

In Ann Arbor, Michigan, a man threatened to set a Muslim student on fire with a lighter unless she removed her hijab. This came after students at Michigan’s Royal Oak Middle School were caught on camera chanting in the cafeteria to Latino students: “Build the wall! Build the wall!”

Surprisingly, 35% of Latino’s voted for Donald Trump in Florida, while 30% of Latino’s supported him nationwide.

At Shasta High School in Redding, California, a student posted a video on Twitter of himself handing out letters with the word “deportation” written across the top to half a dozen Latino students, school district Superintendent Jim Cloney said in a statement.

Also, students at Canisius College in West New York state posted photos on social media of a black doll hanging from a dormitory curtain rod, accompanied by the signature “Trump fans,” college President John J. Hurley said in a message posted on the school website.

Amidst all the racism and the chaos, President-elect Trump has remained silent. However, his silence speaks volumes.

Welcome to the new normal in America!




OK WASSUP! covers Top News Today,
including President-elect Trump and racism.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. I know this is not right to say but I wish nothing but bad on him being president. He never gave Obama a chance so why should we give hm a chance? And if anybody is waiting for him to be a leader and say something to calm all the protests down, you will be waiting a long time. He is in so far over his head he doesn't know what hit him. Trump is not a leader and will never be one. He is the face of all racist now and they made him the poster boy. So of course all this is happening. These racists been waiting a long time to say and do everything they are doing now. Do you think Trump is going to stop them? No way in hell.

  2. "Welcome to the new normal in America!"

    Yes indeed DJ.

    And as BD stated "No way in hell" Trump could stop the millions of racist, bigots and purveyors of Hate that he's given voice to even if he wants to.

    In fact, I suspect that deep down inside even Trump is afraid of his own supporters. Crazy recognizes crazy. And Trump knows that many of his supporters are even bigger nutjobs than he is. That's makes them even more dangerous. He dare not speak against them. Or his own life – and the lives of his family members -could be at risk.

    "You reap what you sow."

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