
President Is Too Hard: Says Trump!

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President too hard
Donald Trump learns that being president is hard.

Politics –
President Is Too Hard:
Says Trump!

Donald Trump has only been in office for a little over 100 days and he’s already complaining: being president is just too damned hard!

While campaigning for president, Donald Trump was like a kid in a candy store. He could stage rallies where thousands of racists, bigots, ignoramuses, and other general supporters would come together to stroke his humongous ego and hang on to his every word. He could say any and everything he wanted without recourse or fear of reprisal. He could make himself appear all-powerful by bullying his political competitors, the media, protesters, and anybody he deemed capable of disrupting his game. Then, he could board his gold-plated private jet and get whisked back to the comforts of Trump Tower — with Melania as his bed warmer.

Oh, how the times have changed.

President too hardThese days, Donald Trump is more like a convicted criminal on Riker’s Island. He can’t simply come and go whenever he wants. His carefully cultivated image as a winner has taken a series of political hits, earning him the worst (100 days) presidential approval rating in US history. He has to read from a boring ol’ teleprompter instead of spit words “off the cuff.” He can’t use his own cell phone, he can’t fly on his tacky, gold jet, and he has to sleep in the damp, historic private residence of The White House — alone and without Melania, who chose to remain in her penthouse in New York City.

Poor Donald. Nobody will give him his way. His plan to uninvite an entire religious group from ever coming into the United States was blocked. His plan to spite the former black president by dismantling his signature health care bill was foiled. Plus, no one will let him play with Vladimir and the “bad boys” of Russia.

Yes, the reality TV star turned first-time politician, who was given the nuclear codes and has the power to decide if we all live or die, has finally admitted that being president is hard. This tidbit of news comes amidst the revelation that Donald Trump actually believed being leader of the free world was somehow easy — and that Barack Obama was just winging it for 8 years.

“I loved my previous life, I loved my previous life. I had so many things going,” Trump said in a recent interview. “I actually, this is more work than my previous life. I thought it would be easier.” He added, “I do miss my old life. This — I like to work. But this is actually more work.”

Well, stop the presses. Being President of the United States is hard. Who knew?

President too hard

Yes, juggling 3 branches of government in order to get things accomplished is difficult. Yes, dealing with sensitive issues such as North Korea, China, Syria, and health care, requires more than trash talk and an active Twitter account. Yes, governing a nation is much more complicated than managing a business. Yes, getting millions of Americans who did not drink the Trump Kool-Aid to back you is not a walk in the park.

No, being president is not easy. It’s hard. DAMN hard. Congress and the courts will not hand you whatever you want just because you say so. America will not treat you like “King Trump” just because you want them to.

So, Donald misses the good old days. He wants that “old thing” (his former life) back. Well, if Trump is already getting bored with playing president and frustrated with not always getting his way after only 100 days in office, how many more days before he takes his marbles and goes home — and lets President Pence take it from here?

President too hard
President Mike Pence?


OK WASSUP! discusses politics:
Being president is hard, says Trump.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. These days, Donald Trump is more like a convicted criminal on Riker’s Island. […]

    Lol. You got that right DJ.

    You can see it in the way he walks (usually sauntering with his head hung low). And you most certainly hear it in the way he talks. His entire body language says it all. He's trapped in a never-ending nightmare of his own creation and he knows it.

    Btw- Did anyone hear the ridicules interviews he did yesterday? His comments on Andrew Jackson/and the Civil, War, big banks and Kim Jong Un had lots of people responding with – WTH?!

    "It seems to be among the most bizarre recent 24 hours in American presidential history," said Douglas Brinkley, a presidential historian. "It was all just surreal disarray and a confused mental state from the president."

    The interviews — published by Bloomberg, Face the Nation and the SiriusXM radio network — seemed timed to the president's 100-day mark but contained a dizzying amount of news, even for a president who often makes news in stream-of-consciousness comments. Trump's advisers have at times tried to curb his media appearances, worried he will step on his message. "They were not helpful to us," one senior administration official said. "There was no point to do all of them."

    White House officials said privately there was no broader strategy behind the interviews. GOP strategists and Capitol Hill aides were puzzled by it all. "I have no idea what they view as a successful media hit," said one senior GOP consultant with close ties to the administration. "He just seemed to go crazy today," a senior GOP aide said. […] – Politico

    Good Lord. Are we ever in one h*ll of mess with this guy!

    He's as dumb as he is "mental." And I consider him to be one h*ll of a headcase.

  2. …..and on a related note……

    “I Don’t Stand by Anything,” Trump Says Before Kicking Reporter Out of Oval Office

    Donald Trump abruptly cut off an Oval Office interview with CBS Washington correspondent (and Slate podcast co-host) John Dickerson when Dickerson pressed him about his bogus claim that Barack Obama had ordered the wiretapping of Trump Tower. You can read the whole high-quality exchange here:

    Link: : http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2017/05/01

    H/T: Slate

  3. I heard him say the job is not as easy as he thought it was and II thought to myself this guy is plain ignorant. Who in the world thinks being president is easy? Plus with him missing his old life and living at Trump tower and all that I bet he doesn't last the year. One more loss and he is out, mark my words.

    1. I'm with you BD. I don't see him holding up…certainly NOT for his entire first term.

      If he could, he'd be gone already. But he knows there's absolutely no way for him to quit right now without looking like the total loser that he is. So he's going to hang in there awhile longer.

      How long can he keep playing president? We shall see.

  4. ahhh the haters on both sides, that is what is scary to me. You now out number those who seek a balanced approach. It looks like the extremes are ascending. The Nature commentary was ahhhh more balanced.

  5. Let me be clear. I do not "hate" anyone…not even the man who sexually molested me as a child.

    In fact, I think that is one of America's biggest flaws. Too many Americans tend to "Hate" so easily. It doesn't matter whether the "hate" is directed at politicians, athletes, celebrities, Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, rich /poor, straight/gay, Christians, Muslims etc. You name it.

    Me. Well I most certainly DO love my country. And I readily admit that I absolutely detest everything…and I do mean EVERYTHING…that Trump (and others of his destructive and ignorant ilk) stands for. And I will continue to speak out against him (and them) whenever I have the opportunity. I owe it to Myself. to my family, and to my country.

    But I do not "hate" the guy.

    Btw- wouldn't it have been nice if more people who seek a "balanced approach" NOW would have been more vocal and calling for that "balanced approach" during Pres. Obama's 8 yrs in office?


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