
President Michelle Obama ‘Might’ Be Possible

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Don’t look now, but President Michelle Obama could be more probable than any of us ever imagined.

Politics :
Former First Lady Michelle Obama has made it crystal clear that she did not enjoy the racist taunts and 24/7 scrutiny of living inside The White House for 8 years. She has also gone on record multiple times as saying that she has ZERO interest in ever running for president or entering politics on any level. She’s happy with her post-political life, her family, her marriage, and her future. However, with Mr. Biden’s cognitive struggles combined with the potential death of democracy and the threat of the return to Washington of a ruthless “Hitler-esque” dictator looking more and more possible by the day, Mrs. Obama may be the only living person capable of saving American democracy from demise.

Let’s take a deep dive into what’s going on across the country.

According to NBC News, young voters are bailing on President Biden. They’re either considering alternate candidates or contemplating blowing off the 2024 presidential election altogether.

According to USA Today, Black and Hispanic voters are running away from Mr. Biden in record numbers. In fact, a new USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll suggests that 1 in 5 Black voters now say they’ll support a 3rd-party candidate in November.

As if that wasn’t enough, Black hip-hop artists (including rappers Lil’ Wayne, 50 Cent, and Kanye West) have come out in favor of Donald Trump. A report from MSNBC inside a Black barbershop discovered that many Black males believe “With Trump, we had money.”

And, of course, there are all the ongoing concerns over Biden’s age and state of mind.

President Michelle Obama

Those reports are a scary wake-up call for the Biden campaign and the “at risk” chances the 81-year-old president faces in the hopes of being re-elected to a 2nd term.

For months, Republicans have taken to Fox News and other conservative outlets to point out that President Biden is doing very little (if anything, at all) on the campaign trail. They suggest that he is heavily scripted and rarely presented in public these days due to his rapidly declining mental and memory issues. They also believe that Mr. Biden will not be the Democratic nominee in 2024.

“I’m beginning to think maybe Biden will not be the nominee,” former GOP House Speaker Newt Gingrich said recently on Fox News. “I say that because of the rate of his cognitive decline, the number of recent examples, where he couldn’t remember what he was saying, or couldn’t remember who he was talking to … at some point, there may be a genuine rebellion in the Democratic Party that says we can’t put this guy up this fall because he’ll be helpless. The NBC News report, the poll they did, was devastating. Almost a day later, CNN had a similar poll. It’s very clear that Biden right now is drifting into Jimmy Carter territory, where people just think he’s not competent,” Gingrich continued.

Newt Gingrich joins Sean Hannity on Fox News

“If you’re a Democratic operative, you’re looking at a catastrophe at least comparable to 1980 with Ronald Reagan. You begin to think, ‘Well, what do we do to avoid this?’ And the answer can’t involve Joe Biden,” he added.

Gingrich went on to mention Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, California Gov. Gavin Newsom, and Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro as potential 11th-hour candidates to replace Biden as the Democratic nominee. However, there was an additional mention that Republicans consider to be the nuclear option: President Michelle Obama.

A report from the New York Post believes that Mr. Biden will announce in May that he’s not running — citing health concerns — while paving the way for Michelle to be nominated as a candidate by August when the Democratic Convention rolls around.

This comes after Mrs. Obama acknowledged during an appearance on the Jay Shetty podcast On Purpose that she is “terrified” about the upcoming election.

“Who we select, who speaks for us, who holds that bully pulpit, it affects us in ways sometimes I think people take for granted,” she said. “The fact that people think that government — ‘eh, does it really even do anything?’ — and I’m like: ‘Oh my God, does government do everything for us, and we cannot take this democracy for granted.’ And I worry sometimes that we do. Those are the things that keep me up,” she added.

If there’s smoke, could there possibly be fire?

President Michelle Obama

As stated, Mrs. Obama does NOT want to be President of the United States. However, there is a clever way where she may not have to be — at least, not for long.

Nearly every political analyst alive is convinced that if Michelle Obama were named the Democratic nominee in 2024, she’d beat Donald Trump by a wide margin and waltz to making history as President Michelle Obama — the first Black woman to ever be elected leader of the free world. After all, she’s not only the most popular Democrat (alongside her husband) but is arguably one of the most popular and likable people in the world.

She’d join her husband, Barack, in the history books and would instantly complete the dual “one-two” punch Bill and Hillary Clinton once hoped to achieve. She’d rescue the Democratic Party from the cognitive collapse of President Biden. She’d also save America from another term of Donald Trump and his brazen plans to dismantle democracy.

So, how could President Michelle Obama be elected and sworn in, but then return to the private life she covets, you ask?

She could serve as president in name only (similar to the way Eleanor Roosevelt ran the country for FDR, or President Reagan’s aides ran the country during his own cognitive decline in his 2nd term), while her vice president or even her husband, Barack, actually ran the country behind the scenes.

Or, she could serve for a brief period and then resign due to some health or family emergency. Her vice president could then ascend to the presidency and Donald Trump Part 2 would be avoided.

President Michelle Obama

Yes, this is all conjecture and it borders a bit on being a conspiracy theory. However, despite being unlikely it’s not all that impossible.

President Biden is 81 and frequently missing in action while continuing to provide proof that his advanced age may be taking a toll on his capabilities. Blacks, Hispanics, young voters, and the “hip-hop” generation are inexplicably flocking toward Donald Trump. Polls repeatedly show that if the election were held today, Trump would trounce Joe Biden and be elected again. Additionally, Trump has made it clear that if he is ever allowed back inside The White House, he will not only be a dictator (on Day 1) but may never leave.

If the courts are unable to take down Donald Trump before November, President Michelle Obama (even in a temporary role) may be the Democrats’ last best hope.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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For quite awhile now, I’ve been disappointed that Michelle Obama didn’t run for president this time. Now it’s too late for her to run this time and she may never get another opportunity to do so. If Trump wins, that will pretty much signal the end of democracy in America.

Biden has done himself no favors, supporting Netanyahu’s genocidal actions against the Palestinian people. But I would be floored if anyone other than Biden and Harris are the Dems ticket.

Last edited 7 months ago by Truthiz1

Hey Truth what would you think about Biden himself deciding not to run again?


I’m sorry BD, I just saw your question!

Honestly BD, I don’t see it happening. But even if Biden decided not to run now – other than Michelle Obama, who else on earth could the Dems put forth now who could beat Trump?

Everybody overlooks the Baby Boomers, especially the American news media and their joke-pollsters who have NOT a clue what the actuall percentages on anything are! But I digress.

The collective of Boomers in this coutry is still a massive reliable voting population. And they “ain’t” voting for anyone now but Biden or Trump.

Last edited 7 months ago by Truthiz1

Now about old Newt Gingrinch… 😳

When is the last time Newt has been right about anything? And I do mean Anything?!

Seriously! He’s always been a craven and despicable joke who played the Repub voters for outright fools and Repub voters were fine with it way back 25 – 30 yrs ago. Just like they’re fine with Trum playing them now.

Last edited 7 months ago by Truthiz1

I wish Michelle would do what DJ had suggested and run to stop Trump. But I know she does not want anything to do with politics. I read in one of their books her and Barack almost broke up over him running for elections. She also has a good reputation in the world she does not want to ruin because of politics. But she would stop Trump for sure even if they had to draft her at the convention.

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