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President Obama ‘Checks’ GOP Critics

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March 31, 2015

unbiased political news Republican Fox News
The Republican Party frequently enjoys having fun at President Obama’s expense, using conservative media tools such as FAKE Fox News to spread bold face lies about the Obama presidency.  Finally, Mr. Obama is fighting back.

Unbiased Political News
In one of the greatest political smackdowns ever, Mr. Obama used a speech at The City Club of Cleveland to tear his GOP critics a new one.

unbiased political news Republican Fox News

Since Mr. Obama’s inauguration in 2008, Republicans have used every trick and opportunity imaginable to ruin his attempts to balance the budget, reduce the deficit, get us out of the recession, create jobs, fix our broken healthcare system and basically rescue us from the huge mess George W. Bush left behind when he left the White House.  They boldly predicted that Obama and Obamacare would destroy America by killing jobs, ballooning the deficit, tanking the stock market, raising gas prices and more. Except, the Republican claims were all lies.

President Obama made several promises during his campaign for the White House.  Let’s check the FACTS and see how he did.

Rising stock market? CHECK.
More jobs? CHECK.
Gas prices lowest in years? CHECK
Reduced deficit by two thirds? CHECK
Affordable healthcare for all? CHECK
Osama Bin Laden Dead? CHECK

Unbiased Political News
Let’s face it, Republicans lied about President Obama’s accomplishments.  They even attempted to use their flunkies over at Fox News to fool those “not-so-smart” Americans into believing Mr. Obama would end America as we know it.  Well, the President of the United States has had enough and he has fact checked his GOP critics in a resounding way.  Take a look at the video below and Mr. Obama’s good old-fashioned Republican ass-whoopin’!

unbiased political news Republican Fox News

OK WASSUP! covers unbiased political news, including 
President Obama’s recent fact check of the Republican Party.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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