Comments on: President Obama Delivers Final Farewell News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Thu, 12 Jan 2017 05:38:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr. BD Wed, 11 Jan 2017 20:43:32 +0000 Ok I'm not ashamed to admit I did shed a tear or two. Obama is my boy and he has been totally unappreciated. I hope everybody enjoyed his speech because we won't be getting anything close to that from Trump.

By: Truthiz1 Wed, 11 Jan 2017 16:54:21 +0000 Thanks for this DJ.

I didn't watch the President give his final speech last night because I couldn't watch the President give that speech.

Truly, it breaks my heart to see him go – especially when you consider the um…fella who is to be the next President of this great nation.

Regular readers of this site know that I was never one to shy away from criticizing the President whenever I felt he deserved it during his 8 years in office. But the truth is – for the many issues I felt he could have…and should have…handled very differently (more effectively) there are so many more issues I feel he handled correctly, if not brilliantly.

His character…and that of his wife and children…is of the highest caliber. His temperament is 2nd to none. Though I wish he would have been willing to step up and "fight the good fight" when that's exactly what the moment called for. The *fire* simply was not there. But I digress.

In 2008, the world watched a great man be elected to the highest office in the land…in the world. Barack Hussein Obama.

He was lifted up to that position by the faith and Hope of millions of Americans. People of diverse racial and cultural heritage and socio-economic backgrounds. People of different ages, religious beliefs and sexual orientations.

Pres. Obama came into office with the weight of the world…and certainly this nation..on his young shoulders. He could not have foreseen just how far his enemies would be willing to go to try to delegitimize and destroy his presidency. The unprecedented acts of disrespect and hatred he..and his family…would have to endure

And yet, through it all the President "journeyed on" (as my beloved late grandmother used to say). He persevered. Never compromising his principals. Never stooping to the swamp-level of his enemies. Never betraying himself OR his country.

And for all THAT and more, I sincerely thank him.

God Speed Mr. President. And God Bless.

I have no doubt….None….that history will judge you well.
