President Plans Police Body Cams; End Racial Profiling
December 3, 2014
Current Events
Following the shooting death this past summer of Michael Brown by Officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, MO, Brown’s parents implored government officials to require body cams on police, so that no other family would have to endure the loss of a child at the hands of police. With tensions in Ferguson high and protests popping up across the country, President Obama heard their cry and sprung into action.
The president has proposed $263 million in funding to help avoid another disaster like Ferguson. His proposed three-year funding package includes $75 million for a Body Worn Cameras Partnership, with the rest of the funding going toward training and resources for law enforcement officials on engaging with communities and reforming their practices.
The president also plans to issue an executive order to overhaul how and when police get military weapons, which has been widely used against civilians in Ferguson and across the country. The presence of such equipment has only escalated tensions between police and the community it was hired to serve and has actually created more civil unrest than it prevented.
In the coming months, Mr. Obama will ask departments to list what equipment they need and why they need it. This information should provide a strong analysis of how such equipment is used and when it should be deployed.
The president’s proposal came in conjunction with additional plans to put an end to racial profiling. In the hopes of easing tensions between police and the community, Mr. Obama directed Attorney General Eric Holder to meet with law enforcement and community leaders across the country to find a solution to the profiling problem.
“In the coming days, I will announce updated justice department guidance regarding profiling by federal law enforcement,” Mr. Holder said during a speech at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. “This will institute rigorous new standards and robust safeguards to help end racial profiling once and for all.”
“Our police officers can not be and can not be seen as an occupying force disconnected to the communities that they serve,” he added to thunderous applause.
If you’ve ever been harassed by the police, ever wondered how you could possibly prove it, or ever thought about filming the confrontation but was unsure if it was legal, President Obama’s proposed plan should provide you with a definitive answer. In the meantime, if you are unsure of the law, here is a handy guide on your rights in filming the police. Share it with your family and friends. It just might save your life!
and to eradicate racial profiling.
This should shut everybody up who thinks Obama isn't doing anything about Ferguson. He's the president of the United States not the president of black america. But he still got his right hand man Eric Holder to stand in for him and handle things. I like their team work. If they can get every cop wearing a camera this will already shut down a lot of the racial profiling that happens. Cops won't be able to get away with so much anymore knowing they're always on tape. I knew my man Barack wouldn't let us down.
Good to see the President finally taking on the issues of racial profiling/racial harassment and tackling them on the national level not just as it relates to Ferguson.
Like many (if not most) Americans, I feel the more cameras recording police interactions (from beginning to end) the better.
Additionally, I believe – to really minimize the chance of police tampering with the video recording, it should also be mandated that all camera feeds be link to a neutral site Outside a policeman's given precinct, ensuring a greater chance for the Truth..and nothing but the Truth…in determining what really happened in any given case.
Wow, did you steal your idea for today from my comment on Monday? This is so great and exactly what I think should happen. It's sad that it takes so much death and destruction to get it, but glad it's getting done. I have a good friend who is an officer and I think cameras really help to protect all parties involved. They also need to mandate the tracking devices on the guns, I think it would just add another layer of protection for all parties.
Wow – Truth really is your middle name 😉
I really like your info- graphic at the bottom. I never realized that it could be illegal to film a police officer. It's sad that we still have racial profiling today. The only thing that is dumber is pretending like we are all the same. Did anyone see that interview with Raven Symone, where she said something about "I don't want to be called an African American?" DJ you should do an article on that.
There is also a similar, interesting case going on right now with officer Daniel Pantaleo in relation to the death of Eric Garner, a man that Pantaleo was seen on video putting in an apparent choke hold in July. The The officer was Caucasian, and the Mr. Garner was African American. The main difference in this case is the video tape. It will really make such a difference in these kinds of sad situations. Thanks Mr. President!
On a related note (and regarding the story referred to by Swanky):
"Officer Daniel Pantaleo in relation to the death of Eric Garner, a man that Pantaleo was seen on video putting in an apparent choke hold in July. "
Last night's Breaking News announcing that the Staten Island, NY grand jury in that case voted NOT to indict Pantaleo literally sent shockwaves through a lot of this country and immediately prompted several protests.
Which begs the question…….
IF, even in the face of having irrefutable VIDEO evidence….like you have in the Eric Garner case…a (mostly white) grand jury (led by a corrupt Prosecutor) REFUSES to indict a cop!?!…then WHERE, pray tell, do WE people of Color go for Justice in this country?!
Re: The decision by a New York grand jury NOT to indict New York City police officer Daniel Pantaleo for the chokehold death of Eric Garner
On Wednesday night's "Daily Show," it left Jon Stewart momentarily speechless.
"I don't know, I honestly don't know what to say," he stammered.
"If comedy is tragedy plus time, I need more f*cking time," Stewart said. "But I would really settle for less f*cking tragedy to be honest with you."
Stewart was flabbergasted by the fact that the Garner case, unlike the Michael Brown case, had videotaped evidence but still ended with the same result.
"Damn," Stewart said. "We are definitely not living in a post-racial society. And I can imagine there are lot of people out there wondering how much of a society we're living in at all."