‘President Trump’ Is Disqualified!
Politics –
‘President Trump’ Is Disqualified!
Donald Trump’s proposal to ban Muslims from entering the United States is the last straw and officially “disqualifies” him from becoming President Trump. Â So said White House press secretary Josh Earnest during a Tuesday press briefing.
“The fact is, what Donald Trump said yesterday disqualifies him from serving as president,” Earnest said. For the presidential spokesman to say anything at all was nearly unprecedented, since it’s extremely unusual for a White House administration to make such a public statement regarding an opposing party’s nominating contest.
Trump’s radical plan to ban ALL Muslims from entering the United States shocked the world. However, it was the reaction of his fanatic followers that was the most startling.
“I think that we should definitely disallow any Muslims from coming in. Any of them. The reason is simple: we can’t identify what their attitude is,” said 75-year-old Charlie Marzka of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Â Marzka added he believes Islam “allows for the killing of people” and that Muslim culture “is absolutely contrary to our culture.”
Sadly, this misguided senior-citizen was just one of hundreds of radical Republicans to drink the Trump kool-aid.
In response to Trump and his band of crazies, Earnest wisely pointed out that since every president must take an oath to “preserve, protect and defend” the U.S. Constitution, and since banning an entire group from entering the U.S. solely based on religion is unconstitutional, a “President Trump” would just not qualify.
A prominent expert on U.S. law agreed.
“Oh, for the love of God. This would not only violate international law, but do so by embracing open discrimination against one religion. It would make the United States a virtual pariah among nations,” said Jonathan Turley, a constitutional law expert at George Washington University.
“Saying ‘no Muslims allowed’ or ‘no Christians allowed’ would not be legal,” added Richard Primus, a constitutional law professor at the University of Michigan law school.
Khaled Abou El Fadl, a human rights law professor at the University of California Law School, noted that Trump’s religious discrimination plan could backfire by causing other countries to enact similar actions against Americans and/or Christians.
“Trump seems to have just not bothered to read the Constitution or any international law or even have any regard for it,” he said. “You’re not going to take an action like that without opening the door and validating other countries reciprocating in kind or choosing having their own choice of bogeyman.”
Since all GOP presidential candidates signed a pledge to support whoever is the eventual nominee, Earnest offered harsh words for the GOP as a whole.
“For Republican candidates for president to stand by their pledge to support Mr. Trump, that in and of itself is disqualifying,” Earnest said. “The question now is about the rest of the Republican Party and whether or not they’re going to be dragged into the dustbin of history with him. And right now the current trajectory is not very good.”
That dustbin of history has just become more clouded, as backlash against Trump has now gone global.

British Prime Minister David Cameron broke the custom of British leaders remaining silent on American presidential contenders, by criticizing Trump’s proposal as “divisive, unhelpful and quite simply wrong.”
United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon also spoke against Trump, saying he denounced “any kind of rhetoric that relies on Islamophobia, xenophobia, any other appeal to hate any groups.”
In response to all those who are offended by his plan, a callous Donald Trump shrugged it off and offered 3 words: “I don’t care.”
He then offered a new threat to those GOP colleagues who are suddenly racing to a TV camera to denounce the man and rhetoric THEY created: “Get off my back or I will quit the Republican Party and mount my own Independent campaign.” Hmmm…
Can this runaway train be stopped?  Or is it just about time for Republicans to push the nuclear button and put an end to the concept of “President Trump?”
Can this runaway train be stopped? […]
Yep. It can be stopped. But not before Trump does tremendous damage to the Republican Party (and deservedly so). And our national image is also taking a hit.
Or is it just about time for Republicans to push the nuclear button and put an end to the concept of “President Trump?” […]
Frankly, I don't believe the GOPe actually possesses the power to shut it down.
Which means, defeating Trump will depend on the majority of American voters. If not in the Repub primary then most assuredly in the *General* election.
I gave this issue a lot of thought last night.
Trump does sound like he's either an out-and-out fascist demagogue(?) Or worse, he's pretending to be one in order to win the Repub nomination (which speaks VOLUMES about that party)
But I have faith. I do NOT believe that We've come this far as a nation, only to fall backwards into some deep dark far-right abyss. No.
Americans who truly love this country simply will NOT let that happen.
Reader @NYMag:
I continue to be a fan of Donald T. Rump and believe that he is performing a necessary, if UNpleasant, public service.
Flirting with closet fascism has long been a naughty titillation of the Republican right. Now, at last, this perversion is out in the open. This exposure of truth to the light of day can only be a good thing. It forces so-called "responsible" conservatives who have silently surfed the wave of fascist sentiment to come out of hiding and declare themselves for or against the brownshirt tide.
Second, America is extremely fortunate that its leading champion of populist fascism has turned out to be an utter twit. No Hitler here. At least not yet. I always thought Newtie with his dark demons had some Fuhrer potential. But his opportunity has come and gone. Among the current crowd only the pious slimeball Ted Cruz has the right combination of brains, deviousness and messianic calling to become a real danger. And he appears about to make his move. So stay tuned. It ain't over til it's over. [….]
I don't know what to think about Trump anymore or what his game is. All I know is this is not fun and games anymore.
World leaders, generally, do NOT weigh in on Our political process.
But the truth is, so many people arround the world are so offended and Horrified by Trump and the crap he spews that world leaders have taken the rare step of doing just that…speak Out in condemnation of Trump and his dangerous words.
And btw, that includes the Prime Minister of France, Manuel Valls:
"Trump, like others, stokes hatred and conflations: our ONLY enemy is radical Islamism."
"Netanyahu rejects Trump's proposal to ban Muslims from entering U.S."
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday rejected Trump's call for "a total and complete shutdown" of Muslims entering the United States.
Netanyahu spokesman Ofir Gendelman tweeted, "PM Netanyahu rejects the recent comments made by @realDonaldTrump about Muslims. Israel respects all religions."
The latest development follows confirmation by Israeli officials earlier in the day that Trump and Netanyahu will meet on Dec. 28 during the Republican presidential candidate's trip to the country, prompting objections from Knesset members. Some have even called for Trump to be banned from visiting the legislature. […]
H/T: Politico
"Why British Parliament Will Debate Banning Donald Trump From The U.K."
The British Parliament will now debate whether to ban Donald Trump from entering the country after a petition to keep him out rapidly gained over almost 200,000 signatures Wednesday.
The British Parliament debates petitions once they surpass 100,000 signatures.
"The U.K. has banned entry to many individuals for hate speech," the petition's description says.
Scottish resident and longtime Trump critic, Suzanne Kelly started the petition, which 30,000 people signed in less than an hour Wednesday morning. Kelly condemned Trump for "unrepentant hate speech and unacceptable behavior" that "foments racial, religious and nationalistic intolerance which should not be welcome in the U.K." […]
H/T: The World Post
What does it say about a man, when even Dick Cheney AND Benjamin Netanyahu speaks out against THAT man?!
What does it say when the KKK (Stormfront and other White supremacist groups) comes out in support of THAT man- even using THAT man "as a talking point in its outreach efforts" ?!
And finally….
What does it say about the Republican party when (it appears) that a significant percentage…if not majority…of Repub voters support THAT very same man?!
Um..it says, quite a lot.
Thurs. 12-10-15
BREAKING: "Trump Postpones Planned Trip To Israel"
WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican Donald Trump has scrapped a planned trip to Israel, saying he will reschedule "at a later date after I become President of the U.S." […]
In other words- Never. (..not as President of the U.S. anyway)
You all are funny.. Yes I'm a trumpester 100% all the way.. You say what you want to however.. Why would other country's out there nose I to our business if they wasn't scared for… Take this how you want to.. Your not going to turn you're back on your enemy are you.. No.. And when all this shit hit who was there to catch the pieces… No one not even Obama the leader of the US of a and what we need is trump look at it this way. America is our home right.. You wouldnt let a stranger in your home to do whatever you want with out validation of what they want to do here.. Do you know what marshel law is… How about all them come over here and start shit.. Bam its on.. You all worried about everyone else but yourself.. Keep us safe becuase you worry about anyone else's feelings or how they react.. When trump gets in the w/h he will put a stop to this.. He has a plan I read up.. I have seen.. And if you can't wrap your head around what needs to be done I'm sorry to hear that and everyone has there own thoughts but it doesn't mean there the right ones. Just like mine might not be right however it is the one that makes the most sence…. Deuces