
Press Pummeled By More Trump Attacks

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Trump attacks the press

Politics –
Press Pummeled By
More Trump Attacks

Donald Trump has launched a scorched-earth attack against the press, specifically targeting CNN, The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, Politico and Buzzfeed.

In a move straight out of the Adolf Hitler handbook, Trump blocked multiple media outlets from attending a White House briefing, blatantly ignoring the constitution’s promises of freedom of speech and freedom of the press.


During a speech at the recent Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington and after only a month into his term, Trump burned any remaining remnants of a bridge between himself and the press, calling them “fake news” and “the enemy of the people.” In fact, Trump is so anti-press, he even went to the FBI demanding that they force the media to stop reporting about a possible connection between the Trump administration and Russia. The request was swiftly denied.

Donald Trump regularly calls the press “fake news” simply because he doesn’t want actual news or real reporting at all. Like Hitler, he only wants HIS version of the facts — which are rarely (if ever) facts at all. Trump would prefer to pull a page from the Vladimir Putin playbook and completely outlaw the reporting of news. He’d rather have the news become an infomercial of what HE wants the public to know and/or believe. No facts… just HIS facts!

Well, the press is having none of it.

In a diatribe against “The Donald,” CNN’s Jake Tapper laid into Trump with an unprecedented verbal tongue lashing against a sitting White House resident.

press“The Trump White House thinks it can punish reporters for sharing with you facts that they do not like,” Tapper said. “Make no mistake about what’s happening here. A White House that has had some difficulty telling the truth and has seemed to have trouble getting up to speed on the competent functioning of government and a President who seems particularly averse to any criticism and has called the press the ‘enemies of the American people,’ they’re taking the next step in avoiding checks and balances and accountability.”

It is “indicative of a lack of basic understanding of how an adult White House functions,” Tapper added.




As if there wasn’t already enough of a divide between Trump and the press, “The Donald” recently decided that unlike every other president in modern history, he will not attend the annual White House Correspondent’s dinner (The last president not to attend the WHCD was Ronald Reagan in 1981, who was only absent because he was still recovering from a failed assassination attempt).

Traditionally, the dinner is an opportunity for the president and the press to drop all manner of decorum and formality, and enjoy a night of levity by lobbing humorous jabs at each other. However, the thin-skinned Trump doesn’t see any fun in such an event — particularly when he’s reminded that within the past several years he has been a bullseye and the brunt of nearly every joke. Who can forget a somber Trump looking beet red during last year’s dinner, as President Barack Obama lit into him like a lion into a gazelle.

Trump simply can’t take it — so he won’t be there!


Pay attention, people. Donald Trump and his cronies are destroying America. Their first order of business is to dismantle the press so the American people will be kept in the dark regarding the horrific moves they’re making in the catacombs of The White House. So, until they can completely obliterate the press, they’ll simply keep calling any news source that tells the truth about them “fake news.” Trump thinks that if the general public hears it enough, they’ll soon start to believe it.

It worked for Hitler. It worked for Putin. Will it work for Trump?





OK WASSUP! discusses politics:
The press is under attack from Trump.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. DJ you hit it out the park today on every point. Steve Bannon said he wanted to get in there and tear everything down. And now him and Trump are doing it. Like you said they don't want the press telling the truth. They just want them saying what they want them to say. It is all very Hitler. As for the White house dinner it's best Trump stay away because he would have a heart attack up there. The minute somebody said something bad about him he would be ready to fight. I did hear that Alex Baldwin is thinking about going to the dinner dressed up in character as Trump like he does on Saturday night live. I hope he does because that would be hilarious.

  2. Regular readers may recall this news from last year- Feb. 29, 2016:

    Les Moonves: Trump's run is 'damn good for CBS'

    Donald Trump’s candidacy might not be making America great, CBS Chairman Les Moonves said Monday, but it’s great for his company.

    "It may not be good for America, but it's damn good for CBS," Moonves said at the Morgan Stanley Technology, Media & Telecom Conference in San Francisco, according to The Hollywood Reporter — perfectly distilling what media critics have long suspected was motivating the round-the-clock coverage of Trump's presidential bid.

    "Most of the ads are not about issues. They're sort of like the debates," Moonves said, noting, "[t]here's a lot of money in the marketplace."

    The 2016 campaign is a "circus," he remarked, but "Donald's place in this election is a good thing."

    "Man, who would have expected the ride we're all having right now? … The money's rolling in and this is fun," Moonves went on. "I've never seen anything like this, and this going to be a very good year for us. Sorry. It's a terrible thing to say. But, bring it on, Donald. Keep going.” [….] – Eliza Collins, Politico writer

    There you have it. Moonves expressed the thinking of any Chairman of darn near any American mainstream news station, especially cable news networks, during the 18 months run-up to the presidential election. Those cretins were/and still ARE about chasing rating$ by any means necessary, d*mn the devastating impact it has on our country.

    Yes. Trump is a very dangerous moron. But the truth is, he's no more a dangerous moron now than he was on day One of his candidacy. And yet the American news media gleefully funded his campaign with at least $2 billion dollars worth of free media and provided him a global stage to spew his toxic message NON-stop, 24/7, "from sea to shining sea" because he was "good" for business.

    He treated the news media like sh*t during the primaries and the general campaign. He's treating them like sh*t now.

    He's addicted to endless media attention – it's his "crack." And the media is addicted to endless Trump. He's their obsession.

    Their twisted and "symbiotic relationship" has brought this country to a mighty bad place.

    And Lord knows they deserve each other.

  3. "As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright Moron.”

    — written by H. L. Mencken, a prominent newspaperman and political commentator for the Baltimore Evening Sun on July, 26, 1920. in an article entitled “Bayard vs. Lionheart” (and reprinted in the book On Politics: A Carnival of Buncombe).

    Source: Snopes

    Mencken saw it coming way back then.

  4. TAC Reader:
    45 is more Putin than Hitler but lacking Putin’s sinister intelligence. Like Putin, he brooks no opposition, hence his attack on the press or anyone who stands up to him, as well as his constant desire to rewrite the election to declare his victory was huge rather than quite narrow.

    45 is narcissistic and authoritarian to the core. That a lot of “conservatives” would warm to him is no big surprise. He humiliated Hillary. The GOP hasn’t stood for much other than destruction, opposition, and winning at any cost for quite a while now. 45 is their id and their ideal. Sad to see so many fall prey to his charismatic but thoroughly corrupt character is both deeply disappointing and scary. […]

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