Comments on: Pretend President Trump Stirs False Hopes News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 19 Jul 2021 04:23:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Mon, 12 Jul 2021 17:44:10 +0000 In reply to Mr.BD.

What Trump said is exactly right. If you say something long enough people will believe it. […]

BD I’m telling you…only a handful of Trump supporters actually believe his lies. The majority of his supporters know darn well he’s full of it, no matter how many time he repeats his lies. But they need him ….the ILLUSION of him. Just like he definitely needs them (their endless attention and worship).

Btw – “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”, is actually a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels. It’s aka the “illusion of truth” effect.

By: Mr.BD Mon, 12 Jul 2021 16:07:19 +0000 What Trump said is exactly right. If you say something long enough people will believe it. That is all he has been doing and people have been taken in by him. But it is time he go away and let the real president be president.

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 12 Jul 2021 13:22:16 +0000 [“He’s coming back,” an Ohio Trump supporter said of the notion that ‘The Donald’ will be president by Labor Day. When asked what will happen when that fantasy never occurs, the Ohio ReTrumplican suggested violence will ensue.  

“We’re gonna be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over,” the supporter barked.]

I said it many times. Trump supporters know he’s full of sh*t because he’s a reflection of them. Full stop. 

Marjorie Taylor Greene isn’t hitting them with anything they don’t already know. But they don’t care how many lies and twisted fantasies Trump peddles. “Let’s pretend” is all they’ve got. 

It’s the only thing that gives their miserable lives any meaning.  

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 12 Jul 2021 12:55:14 +0000 In a message to Donald Trump, CNN’s Jim Acosta said it best: “Comparing Trump to a clown is an insult to clowns. Please take your fake presidential seal and go play president somewhere else!” […] – DJ

And yet, CNN, MSNBC and other major new networks continue to cover that “clown” ad nauseam as if he is indeed still president. 

They continually use that “clown” for rating$ and then feign being shocked and appalled by the guy. That industry has no shame anymore…and that’s the sad truth of it.  

“The love of money is the root of all evil.” 
