Comments on: ‘PRETTY-PLEASE, CAN I GO SEE MY MISTRESS?’ News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 08:00:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Tue, 30 Jun 2009 21:26:39 +0000 The more you hear about this guy's "family values" the more ridicules it gets_smh! But in other news:Minn. rules for Franken in Senate fightFrom the Associated Press11:21 AM PDT, June 30, 2009 ST. PAUL, Minn. — The Minnesota Supreme Court has ordered that Democrat Al Franken be certified as the winner of the state’s long-running Senate race.The high court rejected a legal challenge from Republican Norm Coleman, whose options for regaining the Senate seat are dwindling.Justices said Franken is entitled to the election certificate he needs to assume office. With Franken and the usual backing of two independents, Democrats will have a big enough majority to overcome Republican filibuster.Coleman hasn’t ruled out seeking federal court interventionHat-tip: I caught a clip of Coleman conceding to Franken on CNN and Franken is on CNN as I write this.TIME’S UP Pawlenty; no more lame-azz excuses_just seat the new Senator already!

By: Anonymous Tue, 30 Jun 2009 13:37:31 +0000 this guy is gutter trash!!!! i hope they run his ass outta sc with a whoopin stick!!!!!
