Comments on: Priebus Out. Kelly In. ‘The Mooch’ Strikes Again! News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Tue, 01 Aug 2017 04:32:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr.BD Mon, 31 Jul 2017 20:10:32 +0000 Oh S**t I just heard Scarmuchi got fired. This is crazy.

LOL you must be pyschic DJ.
“Granted, The Mooch is big and brash, however, those are the exact qualities that will ultimately contribute to his downfall. In the World of Trump, there’s only room for one star at center stage and “The Donald” will soon tire of Scaramucci already seizing the spotlight. He’s also not well liked by chief adviser Steve Bannon and first son-in-law Jared Kushner, which is all but the kiss-of-death for anyone. Even The Mooch.”

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 31 Jul 2017 19:01:46 +0000 Breaking News …..

“Scaramucci Out As WH Communications Director 10 Days After Taking Post”

H/T: MSNBC (online)

By: Mr.BD Mon, 31 Jul 2017 17:57:14 +0000 You are 100% right DJ. It doesn’t matter who he makes chief of staff long as he is in control. The problem is not the staff it’s him. They all decide on one thing then he goes and does another later on. Nobody can operate like that I don’t care if they made Jesus chief of staff. I feel sorry for John Kelly. He looks like he is probably a good man but he doesn’t know what he got himself into here.

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 31 Jul 2017 13:07:31 +0000 I also want to add…………

Given all the BS that typifies Trump’s world, I am now highly suspect of his so-called business acumen. Just look at his history. There’s actually not much there to prove he’s anything more than a master BSer, a crook and a con-man. For example: multiple bankruptcies, Trump University, Trump steaks, cheating contractors out of money, “a lot of his real estate deals were with shady Russians”…etc.

As one NRO reader put it: “The fact is he doesn’t outright own that much; he owns a % stake in things, rents out his name, and made less money than if he’d put the money he inherited in a mutual fund.”

Another Reader:
“Over the past 3 decades, at least 13 people with known or alleged links to Russian mobsters or oligarchs have owned, lived in, and even run criminal activities out of Trump Tower and other Trump properties. Many used his apartments and casinos to launder untold millions in dirty money.”

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 31 Jul 2017 12:46:41 +0000 Trump is a 2-legged human-disaster – the equivalent of a Category 6 Hurricane laying waste to all he sees and touches.

A fake-alpha who in actuality presents as a very weak and sniveling and insecure man who thrives on chaos, conflict and confusion. A malignant narcissist given to endless self-aggrandizement, serial lying, deception, corruption, ignorance AND incompetence.

In short: He’s one mucked-up piece of work and EVERY member of his family – and any real friend he may possibly have -knows it.

He can surround himself with all the generals his little dark heart desires – it won’t mean a thing because TRUMP himself is the problem.

And there ain’t NO fixing that.
