Following the firing of yet another Trump administration official on Wednesday (this time, Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin), the ‘Priebus’ word out of Washington is that reports of high-level chaos inside the Trump White House have been grossly UNDERstated.
In the upcoming Chris Whipple book, “The Gatekeepers: How the White House Chiefs of Staff Define Every Presidency,” former White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus had this to say about his former boss: “Take everything you’ve heard and multiply it by 50.”
Yes, buckle your seat belts. The once loyal staffer is now ready to totally tattle on Trump.
First out of the box, Priebus came clean regarding the numerous failed attempts to rein in Trump’s Twitter habit,
“The team would give the president five or six tweets every day to choose from, and some of them would really push the envelope,” Priebus said. “The idea would be at least they would be tweets that we could see and understand and control. But that didn’t allow the president to be fully in control of his own voice. Everybody tried at different times to cool down the Twitter habit — but no one could do it.”
Next up, Priebus addressed the time White House staffers woke up to a tweet from Trump accusing former President Barack Obama of having Trump Tower wiretapped.
“[I] knew the staff would have to fall into line to prove the tweet correct, the opposite of the usual process of vetting proposed pronouncements. Once the president had committed to 140 characters, he was not going to back off.”
Then, in the book “Media Madness: Donald Trump, The Press, And The War Over The Truth,” Priebus touched on the White House’s troubled inner workings — a chaos he says is much worse than the American public even knows. He discussed the problematic mix of incoherent and inconsistent messages coming from the top, the infighting “The Donald” has oddly triggered among his own staff, as well as the administration’s determination to stick to poor staffing choices, including the fired (and soon to be rehired) Rob Porter, VA Secretary Shulkin, and HUD Secretary Ben Carson, whom West Wing operatives are betting will be next to get the axe.
However, if you think things are bad with Donald Trump running the country, heed the warning from former White House aide Omarosa Manigault-Newman who cautions Americans to be careful what they wish for. According to her, Mike Pence is a million times worse than Trump and will have us all begging for “The Donald” to be back in the Oval Office. Hmmm…
Granted, we all knew the Trump White House was bad — but how many of us knew it was this bad??
Yes, buckle your seat belts. The once loyal staffer is now ready to totally tattle on Trump. […] -DJ
Thanks for posting this DJ. I hadn’t heard about it but I (like millions of other Americans) am not the least bit surprised to have further confirmation that this dangerous sham of a presidency is 50-100X worse than what’s being reported.
But here’s the deal. Reince Priebus and others -who KNEW better- were all too willing to BETRAY Our country and the American people by following that dangerous fool in the White off a cliff just to gain political power have committed TREASON in my opinion.
Now that it’s all about to blow-up in ALL of their faces everybody’s trying to find ways to cover their Treasonous azzez in hopes of escaping the Reckoning.
Well if Mueller is anywhere near as competent as we’ve been led to believe (and I believe he IS) then I trust…the Reckoning is coming.