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In his first major appearance on the international stage, he had tea with the Queen, breakfast with the Browns and, somewhere in between, tried to save the world.  Yes, Prince Charming – er – President Obama is on an international “Charm Offensive” and it seems to already be paying dividends and working wonders!
On Wednesday morning the Obamas had breakfast at 10 Downing Street – where the President engaged Prime Minister Brown’s two young sons in a discussion about dinosaurs.  Mr. Obama then met Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, forging ahead with plans to “reset” relations between the two countries, even launching negotiations on a new nuclear arms treaty.  Next up was a meeting with Chinese leader Hu Jintao and a promise to visit Beijing sometime later this year.  Then it was off to meet the Queen.

Throughout his first day in London on this, his first journey overseas as the new American President, Mr. Obama was quite the diplomat.  Realizing that the eyes of the world were upon him as never before, Mr. Obama made it clear “I came here to listen, not to lecture.”  Only one short year ago, under the Bush administration, American sentiment around the world was at an all time low and decades old relationships were at best strained.  Now with President and Mrs. Obama as the new “face” of America, relationships are thawing and reputations are rapidly improving.  London’s DAILY MIRROR referred to the President as “Obama the Charmer,” calling him “An exceptional politician” and “A very gifted leader.”  Even the Queen was said to be enthralled with meeting Mr. and Mrs. Obama.
So even as Republicans at home try to defy the President at every turn, the world is enamored and falling in love with America again.  Relationships are being repaired and the world is beginning to be hopeful and trust us once again. Isn’t that one of the reasons we elected Obama in the first place?
 Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip greet
President and Mrs. Obama
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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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I'm feeling proud to be American at the way both Obama's are representing us in Europe. I'm hopeful the world can forget the 'America' presented these last eight years and allow a relationship to begin anew with our new president.Keep up the good work!

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