Comments on: Pro-Life Should Mean Pro Gun Control News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 07 Oct 2015 17:16:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr. BD Wed, 07 Oct 2015 17:16:06 +0000 I have to cosign with Truth DJ, you hit the nail on the head with this one. These Repubs are so hypocritical it's not even funny. If you're really pro life then you have to be for ALL life like you said. But they're not pro life. That's only a slogan that sounds good. Plus it makes it seems like the other side is anti life. The Repubs play into the hand of the christian right with all that pro life mess but it's just a game. Like Truth said all they want is guns to keep the NRA on their side and fake abortion stance to keep the christians on their side. But if they were pro life they wouldn't sit back and do nothing while 97000 people got shot. Folks need to stop buying their bs and wake up!

By: truthiz Wed, 07 Oct 2015 16:23:53 +0000 DJ you've done it again. Hit the ball right outta the park!

Such hypocritical zealots have absolutely NO shame in proclaiming themselves to be all kinds of righteous folk while knowing d*mn well they're full of it.

I call it the Obvious full-of-isht "Elephant* in the room, beginning with the fact that they AREN'T actually Pro-life. They are Pro-FETUS (as you rightly pointed out). Pro-FETUS and Pro-GUNS. Lots and lots of Guns…for Anybody and Everybody who wants Guns, regardless of the person's intellectual or psychological status.

And dare I say….only in the twisted minds of such zealots is such a perversion of the 2nd Amendment viewed as some noble cause – fighting for to protect "freedom" and "liberty" while THEIR children (even little children) and loved-ones lay severely injured OR DEAD, in schools and other public places across America, slaughtered by crazed paranoid gun-nuts who stockpile as many assault weapons as their dark hearts desire.

Madmen. Sometimes just plan evil men….who lie in wait…planning for that next fateful day. Their guns at the ready.

There is no way in H*ll the Founding Fathers had this madness in mind.

No way they could have even imgained it.
