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THE PROBLEM WITH ‘American Idol’

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Last week, “American Idol” eliminated and sent home perhaps its most talented contestant and expected winner in Pia Toscano.  But while everyone from the audience to the judges gasped in disbelief, I for one was not at all surprised.

Is there seriously anyone out there who still believes “American Idol” is a legitimate talent contest? With all its glamour, glitz, celebrity judges and star performances, “American Idol” is about as much of a real talent contest as the Fox network it airs on is fair and balanced.  Come on, let’s face it folks… “Idol” is merely a reality show/money-machine masquerading as a genuine competition. After all, any show that entrusts its results to bored 10-year-old girls with a cell phone and 3 hours to kill can never be taken seriously.

But that is exactly what happened to Pia Toscano last week.  She is beautiful. She is talented.  But she is a “she” and therefore less interesting to the love struck teen aged girls who make up the multi-million voters Ryan Seacrest boasts about weekly.  And so, Pia Toscano never had a chance.

So despite the bevy of vocal coaches, the heartfelt and constructive criticism from star judges, and even the musical guidance from this year’s resident mentor Jimmy Iovine and his endless list of name producers — in the end, NONE of that mattered.  Neither Jimmy Iovine, nor, nor Jennifer Lopez could save Pia Toscano.  The 10-year-olds who “American Idol” gives the final and deciding say all made sure to squash her dream and quickly get Pia out of the way.

Now how real is that?!?


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. DJ:"But while everyone from the audience to the judges gasped in disbelief, I for one was not at all surprised."And even though I stopped watching it years ago, I (like you DJ) was not at all suprised when I heard about this latest nonsense right after it happened. "Is there seriously anyone out there who still believes "American Idol" is a legitimate talent contest?"Nope. Not if they've got good sense and possess a speck of intelligence.   American Idol HASN'T been credible (rewards the Most talented contestant) since its 5th or 6th season. It's a popularity show for tone-deaf adolescent girls. Once they figured out the flaw in the voting system (they can vote for the SAME person multiple times AND judges DON'T have the final say), it was all over…smh.   

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