Comments on: Professions That Will Soon Cease To Exist News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 20 Feb 2023 01:18:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr.BD Thu, 16 Feb 2023 17:57:40 +0000 This makes sense to me because life changes. I just hope it does not go too far like Truth was saying.

By: Truthiz1 Thu, 16 Feb 2023 14:26:32 +0000 And let me be clear – I have nothing against modern technology.

But given that We (as a society) are already dealing with the deadly ramifications of young males (White and Black) who feel “left behind” in so may ways – to say nothing of middle-age and older white men, in particular, who feel that their country and way of life are “slipping away” – a list like this, that reminds them of a very bleak future, could actually scare them to death and enrage them even more!

I, for one, hope that mankind doesn’t one day find himself so dependent to AI and other forms of technology that WE can no longer think for Ourselves or do for Ourselves in any capacity. Perhaps it’s too late (?) We’re already heading there!

Simply put: Mankind could create himself right out of existence or become a total prisoner to the very technology he’s created.

By: Truthiz1 Thu, 16 Feb 2023 14:03:07 +0000 Modern technology has been a godsend for society. However, it’s been the death knell for certain professions. Thanks to artificial intelligence, many jobs handled by actual people are simply no longer needed. […] – DJ

In my opinion, modern technology has certainly been a “godsend” for ruthless or heartless capitalists. And yes, for most of society (generally speaking) depending on who you ask and one’s on point of view. 

But it’s also been a nightmare, in so many ways, for society in general and for millions upon millions of individual Americans and “blue-collar” and other working class families. Beginning with the precise reasons highlighted in DJ’s post. It has put millions of people out of work and will continue to do so!

To say nothing of the psychological toll it’s had on millions of Americans and their families at all levels of the working class and poor socioeconomic strata.
