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Professor Educates On Black Lives Matter

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Professor Black Lives Matter shirt
Law professor wears BLM t-shirt

Current Events –
Professor Educates On Black Lives Matter

A 1st year law school student wrote an anonymous complaint letter to her law instructor, in an attempt to scold him for daring to wear a Black Lives Matter t-shirt to class. However, never box with a professional. The legal educator provided a response that was absolutely priceless, as he meticulously dismantled the student’s argument with a lesson they won’t soon forget.

Current Events
Regardless how you feel about the Black Lives Matter movement or the concept that black lives matter, this is well worth the read.



Professor 1

Professor 2a



Professor 3Professor 4Professor 5Professor 6Professor 7Professor 8a


OK WASSUP! covers current events.  Today’s article:
Law scholar educates student on Black Lives Matter.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Not sure if these students are even capable of absorbing what the Professor has eloquently taught them. But Bravo Professor Bravo!

  2. His these idiots ever got into law school is amazing. The ignorance of facts is pitiful! They had to submit it anonymously because they knew they were stupid. What really ticked me off is how offended the students were which is one of the problems of the country now! I wonder if this idiot would have said the same if the professor wore a KKK shirt! SMH!

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