Comments on: Pssst… HEY NEWT, IT’S OVER! News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:55:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Wed, 25 Apr 2012 16:37:43 +0000 Looks like Newt heard you DJ…MSNBC: "Gingrich to leave campaign, but not the national spotlight"Newt Gingrich will suspend his campaign next week, ending his pursuit of the presidency, but almost certainly not his life in the national spotlight.NBC News learned that Gingrich will suspend his campaign on May 1, and may well endorse Mitt Romney, his nemesis throughout the primary season.But if one thing seems unassailably true about the end of Newt Gingrich's bid for the presidency, it's that we haven't seen the end of Newt Gingrich. […]Read:…HAH. While we probably haven't *HEARD* the last of Newt, I'd say, we're certainly SEEING his political END.

By: Truthiz Wed, 25 Apr 2012 13:55:49 +0000 As for Ron Paul…or more specifically his supporters: Perhaps NOW they will face reality?1st: They are a loud but very small group. 2nd: Paul couldn't even muster up enough votes to win ONE caucus or primary in ANY state.3. His presidential campaign was *OVER* before it got started.  

By: Truthiz Wed, 25 Apr 2012 13:46:49 +0000 Not only does Newt's campaign NOT have any more money, it's been reported in recent days that his campaign is now $5 MILLION + IN DEBT. Add THAT to his already sorry history, and Newt (like all the other GOP presidential clowns) somehow thinks himself qualified to be President!?!He's a joke. His campaign is a joke. He's only hanging on to pester Romney and at this point it doesn't appear that he's even accomplishing that(?)
