Current Events

Pt. 1: 30 DAYS OF HATE

Spread The Love
EDITOR’S NOTE: Now that the conventions are over, we are officially into the 2012 presidential election season. Nearly 4 years ago, candidate Barack Obama was stirring up crowds with his candidacy. Many crowds were supportive of the man who would become America’s first African-American president. However, there were also crowds that showed an unbelievably ugly side of America.

All this week, OK WASSUP! will revisit the historic and memorable moments of the 2008 election. This trip down memory lane will make you laugh, make you angry, but most importantly make you remember!


Mobs of people have been attending McCain-Palin rallies, displaying an enormous amount of racism and hate for Barack Obama.  Chants of “Muslim,” “Terrorist,” “Kill Him!” and more have been prevalent and have gotten out of hand. Here is a sample of the sentiment and the “type” of voter John McCain and Sarah Palin are appealing to:



DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. obama should get several of his republican backers together with several democrat backers, and go back before the american people as a group, and say they do not support such tactics. then mccain would be shown on the wrong and angry side of the issue.

  2. What a joke–your video of the rally in Ohio showed absolutely nothing. People at a McCain rally aren't going to be sympathetic to Obama. MSNBC news is a joke–everyone with a brain knows that 90% of journalists in this country are liberal and for Obama. Their news is not worth listening to because it is not objective. If Obama is that wimpy that he can't handle a few insults, what would he do as a commander in chief. Obama has absolutely no credentials to be a president.

  3. Who is that obnoxious blonde woman who keeps sticking her shrill, ugly face in front of the camera? What a tool. Ill-informed and ignorant.

  4. She heard of Sarah Flailin' 3 years ago? What, does she collect small town mayor trading cards or something?

  5. John McCain appears boxed in politically. On one end the economy just will not cut him an opportunity to "change the subject" and speak on the issues he wants addressed. On the other hand his rallies continue to be filled with supporters hell-bent on spewing incendiary and hateful remarks against Barack Obama, that even his own fellow Republican colleagues are telling him he MUST clamp down on. At a rally just today, McCain was booed by his own crowd for trying to point out this race is not personal but should be about politics, and that Obama is a decent man who just happens to have different political views. The crowd seemed closed to hearing such logic. The pot of racial and ethnic hate has been stirred, and even McCain himself seems helpless to reign it back in.- DJ okwassup!

  6. "This trip down memory lane will make you laugh, make you angry, but most importantly make you remember!"Wow. Great thinking DJ!

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