
Putin-Trump Secret Meetings Spur Suspicion

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Has Donald Trump been working on behalf of the Russians?  A series of secret Putin-Trump meetings combined with Trump’s extraordinary means to conceal them suggest it may be so.

On Monday, the FBI launched an investigation into several secret Putin-Trump meetings held between Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin — meetings Trump’s own staff members were kicked out of and were attended only by Putin, Trump, and interpreters. According to The Washington Post, Donald Trump went to “extraordinary lengths” to keep details from his conversations with Vladimir Putin secret — even from officials within his own administration.

Why would Donald Trump need to meet in complete privacy with Vladimir Putin on multiple occasions?  Why would he order ALL American officials (including his own intelligence experts) out of the room during those talks??  After all, Trump once ordered VP Mike Pence out of the Oval Office so he could secretly (and illegally) ask then-FBI Director James Comey to “look the other way” and give a free pass to now-indicted former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.  So, why the secrecy??



Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive. – Walter Scott


According to the FBI, out of 5 meetings with Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump confiscated (and likely destroyed) all transcripts of the secret meetings that were recorded by interpreters, then instructed them to NEVER discuss the contents of the meeting with anyone.  WHY???  Written record of those discussions are the property of the US government and not of Donald Trump personally.  So, what is Trump trying to hide??

“When he takes the interpreter’s notes and wants to destroy them so no one can see what was said in written transcript, you know it raises serious questions about the relationship between this president and Putin,” Sen. Dick Durbin said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.”

Donald Trump is now and has been for nearly 2 years under investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller for colluding with Russia during the 2016 presidential election.  Donald Trump is on record as saying he personally welcomed the aide of the Russian government to investigate what happened to the missing Hillary Clinton emails in order to bolster his campaign.  Donald Trump is on record as saying he NEVER had ANY deals or pending deals in Russia — only to retract those statements once plans for Trump Tower Moscow were revealed.

Now, Trump has engaged in secret meetings with the same communist dictator who is accused by every single US intelligence agency of hacking an American election.  For this, congressional Democrats are considering issuing subpoenas to the interpreters to receive live testimony of what Putin and Trump discussed.

Is Donald Trump compromised?  Is he working on behalf of the Russians?

Holding secret Putin-Trump meetings, ripping up the evidence, then telling everyone in attendance to keep their mouth shut and say nothing has sure created a mountain of suspicion.


OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Suspicious and secret Putin-Trump meetings.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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I’m going to steal one of Truths lines and say DJ there you go being nice again. To answer your question everybody already knows why Trump is being so secretive and hiding. It is just like Hillary said. He is a puppet of Putin and I honestly think he is compromised. When you look at the whole list of everything he has done it is all to put Russia first. He even made enemies with our allies just like Putin told him to. It’s obvious we have a traitor in the White House. Anybody can see what is going on. And if Trump lovers don’t get the message they just don’t want to admit the truth.


“I’m going to steal one of Truths lines and say DJ there you go being nice again. To answer your question everybody already knows why Trump is being so secretive and hiding. ” -BD

Hear-Hear!!!..and let the Church say Amen!

By now “Errrrbody” knows what’s up. That fool IS Putin’s useful idiot, working AGAINST the national interest of his own country. There’s NO doubt in my mind- he’s up to his lying lips in dirty money on behalf of Russian oligarchs which means Putin OWNS him (and his 3 oldest kids).

In other words WE have a full-blown Constitutional Crisis on our hands.

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