Putin’s Puppet: Trump Sells Out America
Did you ever expect you’d live to see the day when a sitting President of the United States would commit treason on international television and kowtow to the KGB-trained communist dictator of Russia??? Well, that’s exactly what Donald Trump, AKA ‘Putin’s Puppet’ did on Monday!
The performance was embarrassing and treasonous. The damage was catastrophic and potentially irreversible. Donald Trump stood next to Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday during the Trump-Putin summit and told the world that he has zero confidence in the findings of America’s national security team — and would much rather prefer to take the word of the Russian dictator over his own intelligence experts.
“I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today,” Trump said regarding the insane theory that Russia did not interfere in the 2016 presidential election. It was then that Trump not only proved he is Putin’s Puppet, but that he trusts what Putin tells him more than what US intelligence tells him.
The moment was beyond alarming.
“We have to be guided by facts and not by rumors,” the Russian leader said as he beamed proudly at his puppet and grinned like a Cheshire cat.
Since the start of World War II — which spans 14 Republican and Democratic US presidents — the occupant of The White House has regularly been referred to as “the leader of the free world.” However, now that the world has witnessed the boot-licking and ass-kissing performance “The Donald” delivered to Vladimir Putin, the American leader who once had many believing he was an Alpha male has just proven that he is as Beta as they come.
Trump’s idea to have a one-on-one, “no one else in the room” Trump-Putin summit was a genius creation in his own mind. However, only moments after he boarded his Air Force One return flight back to Washington, Trump quickly learned that a vast majority of Americans (including a number of prominent Republicans) were completely disgusted by his international act.
Sen. John McCain called the Trump-Putin summit “one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory.” He added: “No prior president has ever abased himself more abjectly before a tyrant.”
President Trump must clarify his statements in Helsinki on our intelligence system and Putin. It is the most serious mistake of his presidency and must be corrected—-immediately.
— Newt Gingrich (@newtgingrich) July 16, 2018
Conservative political analyst SE Cupp said: “If Trump isn’t a Russian agent, he plays a good one on TV.”
Actor and former Republican Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger took to Twitter to chastise ‘Putin’s Puppet.’
“You stood there like a little wet noodle, like a little fan boy,” Schwarzenegger said in the Twitter video. What happened to the strong words and the strength of Ronald Reagan when he stood there at the Berlin Wall and said ‘Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall’? What happened to all that?”
President @realDonaldTrump, remember, America first. pic.twitter.com/JDEm2rR50G
— Arnold (@Schwarzenegger) July 16, 2018
The Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats (a Republican) reiterated the intelligence community’s assessment that Russia meddled in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
“The role of the Intelligence Community is to provide the best information and fact-based assessments possible for the President and policymakers,” Coats said in a statement. “We have been clear in our assessments of Russian meddling in the 2016 election and their ongoing, pervasive efforts to undermine our democracy, and we will continue to provide unvarnished and objective intelligence in support of our national security.”
As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, I am deeply troubled by President Trump’s defense of Putin against the intelligence agencies of the U.S. & his suggestion of moral equivalence between the U.S. and Russia. Russia poses a grave threat to our national security.
— Liz Cheney (@Liz_Cheney) July 16, 2018
Others also weighed in.
“Trump fears that if he acknowledges what the Russians did, he’ll be an illegitimate president. By acting like Putin’s puppet, he already seems like one,” said former DNC chair Donna Brazile.
Great World Cup. Question for President Trump as he meets Putin: Do you know which team you play for?
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) July 16, 2018
“He took the word of the KGB over the men and women of the CIA,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said. “The President put what’s best for him over what’s best for the security and well-being of the United States. When it comes to the interference in our 2016 elections, the President has managed to point his finger at just about everybody except the culprit … The one person he hasn’t blamed is the person he stood shoulder to shoulder with this morning: Vladimir Putin.”
Schumer added: “What the president has done is an insult to all Americans. If you think the press conference was bad, imagine what happened inside.”
This was the day an American president stood on foreign soil next to a murderous lying thug and refused to back his own country. Patriots need to stand up and reject the behavior of this president.
— James Comey (@Comey) July 16, 2018
USA Today also offered commentary.
“Donald Trump has taken a side and it’s not ours,” the national newspaper said. “He waltzed into a media event with Vladimir Putin, a professional intelligence officer, and imperiled America.”
In hindsight, his actions should come as no surprise. Donald ‘Putin’s Puppet’ Trump has been selling out America and its allies long before the poorly timed summit. Prior to his unsupervised chat with Putin, Trump attacked our NATO allies while in Belgium, blamed President Barack Obama for Russia’s invasion of Crimea, insulted German Chancellor Angela Merkel, undercut embattled British Prime Minister Theresa May over Brexit, and described the European Union as a “foe” of the United States. Then, after his own Justice Department indicted 12 Russian agents last week for interfering in the 2016 election, Trump attacked the investigation as a “rigged witch hunt” and blamed American “foolishness and stupidity” for our bad relationship with Russia.
Is there any reason left NOT to believe that the man entrusted with the Oval Office is actively doing Russia’s bidding? Is there anyone left who DOESN’T believe Donald Trump is Putin’s Puppet?
Hey, Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan: IT’S TIME. You’ve turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to Trump and his actions for far too long. Now, you’ve just watched him hand Russia the green light to continue to meddle in and destroy our democracy.
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Come and get your boy!
Since the start of World War II — which spans 14 Republican and Democratic US presidents — the occupant of The White House has regularly been referred to as “the leader of the free world.” However, now that the world has witnessed the boot-licking and ass-kissing performance “The Donald” delivered to Vladimir Putin, the American leader who once had many believing he was an Alpha male has just proven that he is as Beta as they come. […]
Great post DJ. You’ve laid it out quite nicely. I only differ with you slightly on referring to Trump as a “Beta male.” I think you’re being much too kind. Of course we know he’s NOT an *Alpha” anything. But when you consider the character traits of a “Beta” male I think he (mostly) fails to meet that description also.
He’s just a pathetically WEAK con-man and wannabe tough-guy who embodies the spirit of chaos, ignorance, dishonesty and destruction; utterly shameless in saying and doing whatever it takes to serve himself and his own self-preservation.
“Is there any reason left NOT to believe that the man entrusted with the Oval Office is actively doing Russia’s bidding?”
Nope. The entire world witnessed confirmation of that fact yesterday.
“Is there anyone left who DOESN’T believe Donald Trump is Putin’s Puppet?”
Nope. But Trump supporters will darn sure knock themselves out pretending they don’t believe it.
Trust……they know.
We have a traitor in the White House and it is up to the Repubs to bring him down. This is not the person that should be picking a Supreme Court justice let alone have the nuclear codes. His whole meeting with Putin was a embarrassment and now everybody sees him for what he really is.
“We have a traitor in the White House and it is up to the Repubs to bring him down.”
Not gonna happen BD because Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan and the rest of that sorry lot are even bigger cowards then Trump. If John McCain wasn’t fighting for his life he might..MIGHT…have been the One Repub with the Courage to lead the charge in bringing down Trump. But McCain is fighting for his life so that leaves absolutely no one.
National Review Reader:
We cannot have a president who conducts foreign policy on the basis of his personal ego sensitivities. Trump, who has a problem evaluating any facts other than through the filter of his own self interest, has now stated to the world that he will accept Putin’s self-serving denials of attempted interference in our election in preference to the findings of his own country’s security and Congressional investigators. He quite obviously does this not based on the facts or on American interests, but because he thinks Putin’s unsupported views makes him – Trump – personally look better.
I think he has misjudged the American people. Trump apparently thought they would elect him and support him enthusiastically to promote the “GREATNESS” of Donald Trump. America now knows that, whatever Trump’s rehetoric and whatever he might do consistent with his personal interest that also benefits the country, his entire existence is devoted only to promoting D J Trump. If his personal interests conflict with America’s, if he has to make America look stupid and sacrifice its interests because he thinks this makes THE DONALD look better, it is no contest.
Trump has now turned me from a reluctant defender to one who thinks we should look for opportunities for impeachment. […]
National Review Reader:
It’s fascinating the degree to which Rich Lowry and other Trump apologists can rationalize his flagrant misconduct at the same time they try to preserve a shred of honor by criticizing it.
Trump isn’t defensive about Russian interference in the election because it casts doubt on his legitimacy. He’s defensive about it because he is guilty of abating that interference and he doesn’t want to get thrown out of office for it. He isn’t protective of Russia’s interests because he is sympathetic to the argument that it is encircled. He’s protective of Russia’s interests because he is beholden to Putin and probably subject to blackmail having to do with both personal and financial wrongdoing as well.
It’s long past time for Trump’s apologists to wake up and smell the sewer. Trump is a Russian intelligence asset, that is an unprecedented national security disaster and the GOP is entirely responsible for it. […]
CNN)For as long as history remembers Donald Trump, it will be a day that will live in infamy.
The President’s summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki on Monday is already one of the most notorious moments in the tortured relations between Washington and Moscow.
Trump’s humiliation is taking its place alongside John Kennedy’s bruising at the hands of Nikita Khrushchev, and George W. Bush staring into Putin’s eyes and getting a sense of his soul.
Like those moments in US-Russia summit lore, the events that unfolded Monday are likely to have significant and unpredictable political and geopolitical reverberations in the United States and around the world.