Quid Pro Quo: Trump Loyalist Admits Guilt
A US Ambassador and Trump loyalist admitted on Tuesday to what Donald Trump would not: Quid Pro Quo!
Gordon Sondland, the US ambassador to the European Union, revised his original testimony to the House impeachment inquiry panel and acknowledged that he did, in fact, inform Ukraine during a conversation on September 1st that Donald Trump would not release nearly $400 million in foreign aid (which had already been appropriated by Congress) until the country agreed to launch specific investigations into former vice-president Joe Biden and others on Trump’s hit-list.
Quid Pro Quo!
“I said that resumption of the US aid would likely not occur until Ukraine provided the public anti-corruption statement that we had been discussing for many weeks,” Sondland said in a document released Tuesday by the 3 House committees conducting the impeachment probe.
When the Ukrainian official asked him to provide details regarding exactly what Trump wanted in exchange for releasing the aid, Sondland said he told the official that (newly elected) President Volodymyr Zelensky would have to deliver a public statement in person announcing the investigations of the Biden’s and others intended to benefit Trump politically.
“The Democrats voted to potentially nullify the votes of 63 million Americans, disgracing themselves and bringing shame upon the House of Representatives. They’ve been plotting to overthrow the election since the moment I won.” – Donald Trump
“There were demands, weren’t there, that an investigation take place of 2016 or Burisma? Ultimately those were demands, were they not?” a House investigator asked Sondland.
“Ultimately, yes,” Sondland replied.
“And it’s fair to say that you had to navigate those demands, you had to accommodate what the President and his lawyer wanted, if you were going to set up this meeting you thought very important?” the investigator continued.
“I think that’s fair,” said Sondland.
Quid Pro Quo!
Until Tuesday, Donald Trump and his Republican cronies have promoted the mantra of “NO Quid Pro Quo” as their defense. Now, all bets are off and White House and GOP officials are already beginning to tilt toward a new strategy that attempts to redefine Quid Pro Quo as neither illegal or impeachable.
Will this new strategy work, or is it the desperate act of a rapidly drowning man?
Stay tuned…
The fact that he had to “revise” his original testimony tells you all you need to know about the man. It took other witnesses first coming forward and testifying as to what really happened for this lying-azz joker to remember that..Oh yeah!..it was Quid. Pro. Quo.
Spare me.
I was unable to get to this yesterday. So basically this guy lied and once he realized Trump was not going to protect him and he had to fend for himself he came out and told the truth. The whole lot of them are liars and crooks and I cannot wait to see them all crumble. But I am glad he finally admitted to quid pro quo. The funny thing is Repubs have chained themselves to Trump for some strange reason and when he does go down he is going to take all of them down with him.