Today’s post is about the important issue of PRIVILEGE.
If someone you know doesn’t understand that white privilege exists in America, simply show them the video below. If they still don’t get it, maybe it’s time to reconsider knowing them.
Truth is power. Knowledge is power!
Wow. DJ you have really hit it OUT the park this entire week.
I do not cry easily (and anyone who really knows me would say that). But I am sitting here with tears in my eyes, a bit choked up because that video and its MessageS (more than one) are SO clear. SO powerful. And SO true. I’ll speak a little more on that in my 2nd response.
For now, I’ll simply say Well. Done. ….and Thank You!
“Truth is power. Knowledge is power!”
I’m glad this video and its message was able to touch you in the way that it also touched me. This week’s theme on race was something I’ve been planning for a while. I hope many readers got the multiple messages.
– DJ
Wow. DJ you have really hit it OUT the park this entire week.
I do not cry easily (and anyone who really knows me would say that). But I am sitting here with tears in my eyes, a bit choked up because that video and its MessageS (more than one) are SO clear. SO powerful. And SO true. I’ll speak a little more on that in my 2nd response.
For now, I’ll simply say Well. Done. ….and Thank You!
“Truth is power. Knowledge is power!”
In order to effectively address “barriers” one must first recognize there ARE barriers. The video does a great job of getting those young people (Black and White) to SEE the sad reality of those barriers.
It is certainly True that throughout Our nation’s history, Black-Americans have had to overcome so many barriers to Success in America, primarily due to “race” and systemic White racism. And we know that those barriers are still present TODAY.
However, there are other barriers, just as crucial to Our success (or the lack thereof). For example, the breakdown of most Black families, which is pointed out in the video. I believe the stats today show that approx 70% of Black families are headed by single, mothers.
WE (Black people) cannot blame the “White man” for everything. WE must take responsibly for Our own failures too. High rates of drug addiction. Babies having babies which leads to kids raising themselves. Lack of education. Often times, NO positive male or female role model anywhere to be found. The truth is, in far too many Black families (and Black communities) the barriers they face are as much about their own incredibly poor judgement and negligence as about “race” or “racism.” And that crap gets passed from one generation to the next.
“Truth is power. Knowledge is power!”