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GAINESVILLE, FL - SEPTEMBER 09: Dove World Outreach Center pastor Terry Jones speaks to the media during a press conference on September 9, 2010 in Gainesville, Florida. Pastor Terry Jones said he is planning on calling off his planned Koran burning on the anniversary of the attacks of September 11, and will instead go to New York to meet with Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, who is planning to build an Islamic cultural center and mosque near the site of ground zero. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

First, he said it was on.  Then, he said it was off.  Then, he said it “might” be back on unless the so-called “Ground Zero Mosque” was relocated.  Now, he says it is off — FOR GOOD!

GAINESVILLE, FL - SEPTEMBER 10: Conor Munro (R) joins a protest across the street from Dove World Outreach Center where Pastor Terry Jones had scheduled a Koran burning for tomorrow on September 10, 2010 in Gainesville, Florida. Jones has said that he would cancel the planned burning of Korans on Saturday if he was able to meet with the organizers building the Park51 mosque near Ground Zero. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)For more than a week, small time and small town evangelical pastor Terry Jones literally held the world captive with threats to burn the Quran on the 9th anniversary of 9/11 this past Saturday.  The media snapped up his story and it quickly went viral, spreading via the Internet throughout the world. Muslims around the globe were horrified that someone would even fathom burning their most holy word of God, and some began plotting retaliation.

GAINESVILLE, FL - SEPTEMBER 10: Dove World Outreach Center Pastor Terry Jones speaks to the media on September 10, 2010 in Gainesville, Florida. Pressure continues to grow against the plan that Pastor Terry Jones had conceived to burn Korans this Saturday. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)As the story grew, so did Pastor Jones’ relevance, as he made the rounds of radio news and television talk shows.  Gen. David Petraeus in Afghanistan begged the pastor to call off his plans, fearing a terrible backlash directed toward the men and women of the U.S. armed forces. Involvement rose all the way to the White House, with President Obama calling for a cancellation of the event, while directing Defense Secretary Robert Gates to make a telephone call to Jones on behalf of the administration.  But on the eve of September 11th, Pastor Jones boarded a plane headed for New York City.  And on the morning of September 11th, he appeared on NBC’s “Today” show with some stunning news:

Jones announced that he will not burn the Quran, saying “Not today, not ever.” Jones said his church’s goal was ”to expose that there is an element of Islam that is very dangerous and very radical.”  And according to him, ”we have definitely accomplished that mission.”  Yeah…right!



DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. This joker looks pretty scared in that interview. Maybe he bit off more than he could chew and didn't expect all the death threats. Now he's a marked man. Oh well, he made his bed now he must lay in it.

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