Fixing Kamala Harris Is A Democratic Priority
Are Democrats seriously contemplating ways of ‘fixing’ Kamala Harris? A new report claims the answer is a resounding YES!
Politics :
As the first female and first person of color ever to be elected Vice-President of the United States, Kamala Harris came into office with a wave of history-making opportunity beneath her wings. However, after what some considered to be several gigantic goofs, gaffes, and blunders, political and public sentiment quickly turned sour against the woman of color who remains merely a breath away from the presidency.

Now, with Biden-Harris 2024 an official reality, Democratic operatives are hell-bent on changing the negative narrative and fixing Kamala Harris. Let’s take a closer look.
If you’re wondering why the vice president needs ‘fixing,’ the answers are crystal clear. Her poll numbers have been below 50% since taking office. Additionally, Republicans have made substantial traction in painting her as incompetent. However, the main reason for fixing Kamala Harris is none other than Joe Biden.

If President Biden wins re-election, he will be 82 years old on inauguration day — making him the oldest Commander-In-Chief in US history. Considering the fact that Father Time remains undefeated, it should go without saying that the possibility of Mr. Biden becoming incapacitated or even dying while in office is exceptionally high. So, it behooves Democrats to make certain that the person who could constitutionally become president in an emergency is not only extremely prepared but perceived by the American public as qualified for the job.
In case you’re wondering how Democrats would go about fixing Kamala Harris, a new report suggests party operatives have already come up with a game plan.
According to USA Today, Democratic strategists held an emergency meeting 2 days after Mr. Biden announced his candidacy for re-election. The attendees reportedly shared ideas on how Ms. Harris would benefit from more public appearances in environments where she can be herself and in front of voting groups with whom she is already popular.

A discussion was also held on presenting Ms. Harris as a staunch advocate of women’s rights and an active weapon against the US Supreme Court and its conservative stance against a woman’s right to choose.
“It has helped the vice president focus on a single issue that she talks about repeatedly,” said Jamal Simmons, a former communications director to Harris who departed the White House in January. “She continues to have 10 or 12 issues that she cares about and focuses on and pop up. This issue of reproductive freedom is one that is not going away.”
Interestingly, some Democrats believe that despite earnest efforts geared toward fixing Kamala Harris, that ship has already sailed and it’s far too late to (just now) begin repair efforts.

Does Vice-President Harris need ‘fixing?’ If so, is there still time left to change public perception of her, or is it already too late? Additionally, considering the age of Joe Biden and the fact that Kamala Harris could become president at some point after (or possibly even before) the 2024 election, do you feel confident in her abilities to be the Commander-In-Chief and leader of the free world?
OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Democrats focus on fixing Kamala Harris
Leave it to White Dem elites to come up with idea they need to “fix” the “Black” woman to try to make her more appealing to a White American majority.
I would posit, scratch the skin of a rich, white, liberal and you’re most likely to uncover traces of a Southern White Dixiecrat.
I’m no fan of Kamala. But I must say this, if there’s any “fixing” to do, she’ll have to be the one who does it herself.
It’s the only way she can genuinely present herself as being authentic, engaged, competent and invested in serving the American people, especially given the concern about Joe Biden’s age.
Hey Truth you make a good point. But every politician needs some kind of fixing so that more people like them and want to trust them. They really did nothing for her though. That is the big problem.
Part of the problem with Kamala Harris is Biden did not set her up to succeed. His people could have done better from the beginning making her look good but they did not.
You make a good point BD and I don’t disagree with you.
But she’s still the main person responsible for the image and personality she projects. She had better get to working on herself…now!
The reminder about how old Biden is and that she could become the president someday is important. If Biden wins again we really have to think about that.