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Did I miss the memo that decorum, civility, common courtesy, and respect are no longer virtues in this country?  Did I also miss the memo that the NEW way to handle disagreements between adults is to scream and yell and carry guns??  What’s wrong with America when we choose to talk AT each other instead of TO and WITH each other?  Well, apparently, somebody in America decided this was all acceptable behavior.  It appears name calling, loud bickering, semi automatic assault rifles, and pictures depicting the President of the United States as Hitler are all OK.  And it appears somebody decided each and every Town Hall meeting should immediately kick-off with a wild round of yelling and screaming before the political speaker can even offer opening remarks.  Is this what we’ve become???

Well, it appears Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) has had it up to here with all the madness, and was willing to place his political career on the line, ruffle a few feathers, and put a damper on this new fangled copy-cat craziness that has seemed to run rampant in American Town Hall meetings.  A local woman carrying a photo of President Obama as Hitler thought she could have her 15 minutes of fame in the scream-fest sweeping the nation.  But instead of making the local news for her cute attempt to tie Mr. Obama to being a Nazi, the woman was caught off guard when Rep. Frank brazenly asked her “What planet do you spend most of your time on?”  KUDOS Congressman Frank — some of the loudmouths you silenced never knew what hit em!


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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