LA Gangs To Kill 100 People In 100 Days
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LA Gangs To Kill 100 People In 100 Days
Utilizing the hashtag #100Days100Nights, a couple of LA gangs have created a bet to see which gang can kill at least 100 innocent or gang-related people within the next 100 days.
Current Events
The bet was made between 2 LA gangs, following the recent death of “KP,” a member of the Rollin 100 gang. The LA gangs have vowed the bet will remain “on” for 100 days straight and will target innocent people driving between the streets of Western and Normandie in Los Angeles.
In somewhat of a promotional exposition, members of the LA gangs involved took to social media to tag images and videos of themselves brandishing guns, accompanied by the hashtag #100Days100Nights.
The shooting that kicked off the LA gangs’ bet occurred a few weeks ago around 9:50pm in the 2000 block of West 99th Street. A woman and 2 boys, ages 4 and 11, were wounded after a still unidentified suspect walked up to their car and opened fire. Because the woman and her boys lived, the bet started from scratch.
According to the LAPD, online posts regarding the planned killings have been taken very seriously and have led to an increase in police presence. However, police are calling the online bet a rumor, although residents are not convinced and believe police are merely trying to calm public sentiment.
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As for the family of KP, they are calling the #100Days100Nights bet despicable.
“It’s making him look like a bad person. It’s not like he started this and got killed behind it. He had no control over what’s going on with #100Days100Nights,” said a KP family member, who chose to remain anonymous in order to protect the family’s safety.
With the 100 days bet now underway, Los Angeles neighborhoods have been called into action. A civil rights group even went so far as to beg the involved LA gangs to call an immediate ceasefire.
“With the shootings, I feel like all of that is unnecessary. I can’t say for them how they should feel about the situation—whether they should go about their revenge or not—I just feel like they shouldn’t go about it that way,” the KP family member added.
Black sociopaths and Black Psychopaths….pretty much present with the same twisted and deadly characteristics, as far as I'm concerend.
So what kind of "rehab" program do you suppose would work for most of those killers and wannabe killers?
What kind of meaningful dialogue could anyone with good intentions hope to have with any of those Black males who have proudly embraced a culture of violence and death?
The truth is, when it comes to far too many Black males…WE have a population of Black Frakenstiens on our hands. They are monsters. They don't give a d*mn about their own lives and they sure as H*LL don't give a d*mn about anyone else!
WE, Black America, have been in Major Crisis For Years…and on multiple fronts.
Way past time for Us to own Our messes and madness and seek Real solutions to these problems.