VP Picks Crucial For Clinton, Trump

Politics –
VP Picks Crucial For Clinton, Trump
With Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump seemingly on a collision course toward a head-to-head fight for the presidency, one crucial decision could be the deciding factor for who eventually occupies the Oval Office — their choice of a vice-presidential running mate.
For the first time in US presidential-election history, a recent CNN/ORC poll shows that both major political parties will feature candidates with enormous negative favorability ratings: 49% of Americans have an unfavorable view of Clinton, while 57% view Trump unfavorably.
A CBS/NYT poll released late last week provided more insight: 64% of registered voters believe that Trump and Clinton are not “honest and trustworthy;” 66% said Trump doesn’t “share their values,” compared to 60% for Clinton; and 70% said Trump does not have the right temperament to be president.
How can each candidate overcome such negative numbers and get themselves promoted to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? By selecting the right VP!
Former San Antonio mayor and current Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Julian Castro, has long been considered Hillary’s best VP choice. Castro could intensify the Hispanic vote similar to the way Barack Obama did with the Black vote in 2008.  He could also be a major part of history, by becoming America’s first Hispanic vice-president, alongside American’s first female president.
As for Donald Trump, Florida’s Gov. Rick Scott could be a smart choice simply for his geographical power. If Trump can lock down Florida or Ohio, he might have a legitimate shot at the presidency. Ohio governor John Kasich has already made it clear he has zero interest in being Trump’s VP.
So, who could be a potential difference maker for Hillary or Trump in the VP sweepstakes? Â Here is a list of names for each candidate based on their needs:

Who Helps Hillary With Trustworthiness:
Tim Kaine, senator from Virginia
John Hickenlooper, governor of Colorado – Selecting Hickenlooper would lock up the important State of Colorado. The governor has also made it known publicly that he is interested in the job.
Who Can Help Hillary With Progressives:
Bernie Sanders, senator from Vermont and Presidential Candidate – He’s challenging Hillary all the way to the convention, while spurring an emotional movement of young and progressive Democrats. Â Should Hillary simply add him to the ticket? Â If she asked, would he even accept?
Elizabeth Warren, senator from Massachusetts – Her selection would make for a powerful ticket, although the choice would be very unlikely.  If Hillary were to become the first female president, would she really want another female to share that spotlight with? Also, because Americans are (sadly) just not ready to accept a female president, an all-female ticket could be a negative for certain voters.
Tom Perez, secretary of Labor
Sherrod Brown, senator from Ohio – Could he deliver Ohio for Hillary?
Who Helps Hillary With Diversity:
Julian Castro, secretary of Housing and Urban Development – He’s young, charismatic, Hispanic and the Democrat’s best choice to lead the party and run for president after Hillary’s reign. He’s also the same height as Hillary, which would provide a strong television picture for the ticket (preventing the VP from towering over the candidate).
Xavier Becerra, representative from California
Tom Perez, secretary of Labor
Who Is Hillary’s Best Geographical Choice:
Tim Kaine, senator from Virginia
Sherrod Brown, senator from Ohio
John Hickenlooper, governor of Colorado

Who Helps Trump With Political Experience:
Newt Gingrich, former House speaker – The former Speaker of the House still maintains political friendships and ties to several current members of congress. He could help pave a relationship between a Trump West Wing and Capitol Hill. Also, since Trump has made it known he would only want to be a figurehead as president, Gingrich has the knowledge and experience to actually do the work of being the real president running the country.
Rob Portman, senator from Ohio
John Thune, senator from South Dakota
Jeff Sessions, senator from Alabama – Does Trump really need help in the south?
Bob Corker, senator from Tennessee – see “Jeff Sessions.”
Who Helps Trump With Women:
Jan Brewer, former Arizona governor – She’s the feisty Governor of Arizona, who was photographed chastising President Barack Obama on an airport tarmac. Â Her brash demeanor could provide Trump cover in attacking Hillary Clinton, while helping him repair his reputation with women.
Joni Ernst, senator from Iowa
Mary Fallin, governor of Oklahoma
Who Helps Trump With Foreign Policy:
Bob Corker, senator from Tennessee
Jeff Sessions, senator from Alabama
Dan Coats, senator from Indiana
Who Helps Trump With Diversity:
Susana Martinez – The Republican governor of New Mexico could have been a perfect fit. Â However, Trump’s odd public feud with her makes it about a 99.99999% chance that she won’t get or even accept the job.
Marco Rubio, senator from Florida and former presidential candidate
Who Is Trump’s Best Geographical Choice:
Rick Scott, governor of Florida – If Gov. Scott can deliver Florida for the Republicans, he may also deliver the White House. Â However, he’s somewhat unpopular in his state, which could be a liability.
Rob Portman, senator from Ohio – Could help deliver this pivotal Midwestern state.
John Kasich, governor of Ohio, former presidential candidate.
Marco Rubio, senator from Florida and former presidential candidate – Since dropping out of the race, Rubio has said he would NEVER run on a ticket with Trump.  However, the senator recently made nice with “The Donald” and oddly apologized to him for all the personal attacks he made against him.  With Rubio’s senate term up in 2017, is he softening up to Trump in hopes of landing a job in a Trump White House?
What do you think of the list of choices? Â Who do you think would help each candidate win in November?
I have been at a conference all day so I didn't get to check the blog at my usual time. But this is a very good article DJ, very informative and a lot of good names. For Hillary I think she goes with the choice everybody has been talking about, Julian Castro. Just like you said he would make history with her being hispanic plus he is around the same height as her. He is the future of the Dem party and could end up as the latino Obama. So I think it will be him. As for Trump if he can't be bothered with doing work everyday he better choose somebody like Newt Gingrich. At least Newt knowns a thing or two about the government since Trump knowns nothing.
Thurs. June 2, 2016
Was away yesterday also attending a job-related meeting out of town.
But BD you are on a roll my friend….Lol.
Cosign with your entire response.
Oh I forget to mention Bernie would be a bad choice for Hillary. He is too old so he is not the future of the party. We need to be like they do in sports and have a farm team ready. Have somebody be in training learning and getting groomed ready to pull up from the reserves. Sanders would be too old to run in four years or eight but Castro could do it.
Thurs. June 2, 2016
Again, well said on all points as to why Hillary should NOT pick Bernie.
And I would also add…..
Bernie AIN'T a democrat.