Racism Against Miss America
Nina Davuluri is the new Miss America 2014. The 24-year-old native of Fayetteville, New York, earned a degree in brain behavior and cognitive science from the University of Michigan. While there, she was on the dean’s list and earned the Michigan Merit Award and entry into the National Honor Society. Her father is a gynecologist, and Davuluri says she’d like to become a physician one day as well.
So what’s the problem with the beautiful and intelligent Davuluri? There is no problem — except for the fact that Davuluri is Indian-American. Notice the keyword here is AMERICAN. Yet, that didn’t stop a boatload of ignorant hillbillies from knocking her crowning because of her “Indian” heritage.
Firstly, the new Miss America is AMERICAN — born and raised right here in America. Her ancestors are from India, meaning she is of Indian descent — but she is AMERICAN. Secondly, India does not equal Arab. Just because someone is not white, blonde haired and blue-eyed doesn’t automatically make them “Arab.” Finally, even IF she were Arab (she is not), that does not automatically make her a “terrorist.”
So, the crowning of Nina Davuluri is not a slap in the face to the memory of 9/11. Caucasians, African-Americans, Latinos, Indians and Arab Americans were all killed in that horrific bombing 12 years ago. That tragedy and any residual sympathy is not owned by the white race. Nor does the 2014 Miss America pageant have anything to do with 9/11. This is beyond lunacy. Vanessa Williams was the first non-white woman to be crowned Miss America in 1985, yet we’re still arguing over race in a beauty pageant nearly 30 years later???
If anyone thinks racism in America is dead, help yourself to a heaping dose of reality and re-read the racist tweets above from some of the lowest and ignorant forms of life in America!
This is total ignorance. Hard to believe this is 2013. smh
I should say I'm shocked at how the public reacted to Miss America…but unfortunately the world will always be full of ignorant, racist a-holes.
Yes. *Racism* in America continues to be as "American" as apple pie.
And DJ called it right… "ignorant hillbillies." Of which We (intelligent NON-hating Americans) will probably always have to suffer to some degree.
But I remind myself that this is a nation of over 300 million people. Most of Us (Americans) I would argue are pretty good people.
We have the first African-American President in American history serving out his 2nd term. And people of Color are achiveing new heights of successes in this country, which at one time was UNimaginable.
Do we still have some mighty serious work to do regarding race-relations? Yes indeed.
But I believe on the whole things ARE slowly but gradually getting better.
And CONGRATS to the new Miss America!