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Racism: Obama’s Elephant In The Room

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Unbiased Political News – 
Racism: Obama’s Elephant In The Room

The Republican Party remains in a continuous stalemate with the President of the United States.  So, exactly how much of this is politics and how much of it is race related?

Unbiased Political News
Despite President Obama’s many attempts to downplay the issue of race in his presidency, rest assured it is not a fabricated issue.  Becoming the first African-American U.S. president was and is historical for many reasons, both positive and negative.  It was an unprecedented moment of accomplishment for African-Americans who were brought to this country as slaves, however it was also a hard pill to swallow for a huge portion of the country.  Granted, some have been very vocal about their dislike of the first “black” president, but many remain secretive about their race based thoughts of handing the reigns of the White House over to a “black” man.

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On the day of his 1st inauguration, Republicans met in secret and vowed to their constituents back home that they’d oppose any and everything Barack Obama did as president.  They’ve kept their promise. When he ran for reelection in 2012, they vowed to their constituents back home that they’d get this liberal black guy out of their “white” house — that they’d “take the country back.”  They failed in that promise. Yet their constituents back home are mad as hell and still want Republicans to contest an election that has long since been decided.  That’s not just politics folks!

Unbiased Political News
Whites in America are seeing hundreds of years in the majority slip away. They’re seeing open acceptance of issues they decided long ago were unacceptable.  They’re seeing a man who Fox News convinced them was a flash in the dark, winning battle after battle that even the super heroes they sent to Washington to save them can’t fix.

Frank Wilkinson at Bloomberg News explains it this way:

“A lot of Americans were not ready for a mixed-race president. They weren’t ready for gay marriage. They weren’t ready for the wave of legal and illegal immigration that redefined American demographics over the past two or three decades, bringing in lots of nonwhites. They weren’t ready — who was? — for the brutal effects of globalization on working- and middle-class Americans or the devastating fallout from the financial crisis.

Their representatives didn’t stop Obamacare. And their side didn’t “take back America” in 2012 as Fox News and conservative radio personalities led them to believe they would. They feel the culture is running away from them (and they’re mostly right). They lack the power to control their own government. But they still have just enough to shut it down.”

Unbiased Political News
Racism against the first African-American U.S. president had a lot to do with the birth of the Tea Party. It was certainly behind all the heinous ads depicting President Obama as an Obamacare witchdoctor with a Muslim sickle, or Michelle Obama as an ape.  So is it at all a stretch to assume that perhaps racism and the loss of control is what this entire government shut down is really all about?

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How much of the government shut down and full court press against President Obama is race related? 
 OK WASSUP! follows this current event and more!
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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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