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Racist Atlanta Principal Is Fired

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Racist Atlanta Principal Is Fired

She caused a national uproar after video of her racist rant went viral.  Now, the Atlanta principal who ruined a high school graduation after calling out “all the black people” has been fired.

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Nancy Gordeuk founded and served as principal for the TNT Academy, a private middle and high school facility near Atlanta.  As founder and an educator, one would think Gordeuk knows a thing or 2 about leadership and about setting an example, right? Wrong!

Not only did Gordeuk completely forget there was a valedictorian waiting to speak at the 2015 graduatCeremonyion ceremony, but she then went on to blame black people for her own mistake of dismissing everyone from the auditorium too early. “Look who’s leaving—all the black people,”Gordeuk said during the ceremony, causing a mass exodus from offended attendees.

Despite being adamant that the “devil made her” say those words (yeah, right), Nancy Gordeuk is now out of a job.Dr. Heidi Anderson, chair of the board of directors at TNT Academy, wrote in a letter sent to the Gwinnett County NAACP that the board voted to dismiss school director Nancy Gordeuk:


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“In light of recent events, the board of directors of TNT Academy has moved to dismiss Nancy Gordeuk as principal. During the coming transition, we will continue to prioritize support for our most recent graduates.

“Moreover, we will continue our commitment to providing students with the best educational classes, transcription services, and academic credit recovery possible.”


current events racism

Travis Gordeuk took to Twitter in what he probably believed was an attempt to help his mother’s drowning reputation, however his violent threats and racial epithets had the opposite effect and caused further turmoil. Gordeuk herself also took a stab at apologizing to parents in an email, saying, “The devil was in the house and came out from my mouth. I deeply apologize for my racist comment and hope that forgiveness is in your hearts.”

So far, no one has seemed the least bit interested or sympathetic to her words.


OK WASSUP! covers current events.  
Today’s article: The Atlanta principal who blamed ‘black people’ 
for ruining a graduation ceremony, has been fired.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. I heard about this already but I'll say now what I said then. Halleluia!!!!!

    After the way she showed out at that graduation she doesn't need to work in education or around kids ever again. Good riddance.

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