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A Republican student group at the University of California at Berkeley has stirred a nationwide controversy, after scheduling a racist bake sale that was meant to be satirical, but has turned out to be anything but.

Last week, the Berkeley College Republicans announced its “Increase Diversity Bake Sale,” which is scheduled for today. On Facebook, the group said it would charge different prices for pastry, depending on the race and sex of each customer. They listed the price for a pastry at $2 for white students, $1.50 for Asian students, $1 for Latinos, 75 cents for African-Americans and 25 cents for Native Americans. Women of all races were promised a 25% discount. “Hope to see you all there! If you don’t come, you’re a racist!”  the Facebook event page said.

“We expected people to be upset,” said 20-year-old Shawn Lewis, the group’s president and a 3rd year political science major. “Treating people differently based on the color of their skin is wrong, and we wanted people to be upset about that.”

But as the story went national and upset minority groups from coast to coast, university officials were not at all amused. “The bake sale is a misguided attempt by the Berkeley College Republicans to make a political point…,” said Gibor Basri, the university’s vice chancellor for equity and inclusion. “A lot of students, especially students of color, read it as placing a higher value on white students.”

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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This is just ignorant and a publicity stunt. Ok it shows how we in society put value on races but they went about it all wrong. Go back to class kids.

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