Comments on: Racist Lawyer Apologizes For Racist Rant News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Fri, 25 May 2018 10:56:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr.BD Thu, 24 May 2018 17:28:25 +0000 In reply to Truthiz1.

Hey Truth I don’t know many people who believed this meeting was ever going to happen anyway. This is not breaking news, this is something that was bound to happen anyway.

By: Mr.BD Thu, 24 May 2018 17:27:03 +0000 This fool and other ones like him has been dying to say what has been on their mind for years. Now that Trump is in he thinks he can but one day he is going to run up on the wrong person with that foolishness. Going up to that man on the street was just stupid. The man could have been a visitor or anything but this fool didn’t care. He just wanted to be a racist bully. Everybody who is not believing this fake apology is exactly right. He is getting hit in his pocket and he can’t sleep at night with all the attention outside his house. He is getting what is coming to him and I hope he continues to suffer.

By: Truthiz1 Thu, 24 May 2018 15:05:55 +0000 If I may go off topic for just a moment……

Breaking: “Trump Cancels Upcoming Kim Jong Un Summit” -MSNBC, CNN

And, except for most of the American news media, this is a surprise to who!?!

By: Truthiz1 Thu, 24 May 2018 14:39:11 +0000 Reprehensible acts like this demonstrate just how self-destructive harboring Hate can be. Schlossberg never saw the backlash coming…smh!

Now I will grudgingly give credit where credit is due. Trump has embolden racists and bigots across this nation to OUT themselves. Indeed, he’s given right-wing haters, in particular, a false sense of security. SEE: White nationalists who descended on the campus of the Univ. of Virginia, in Charlottesville VA., last year. Those so-called “real Americans” marched with tiki torches in hand, as they chanted loudly and proudly (mostly) anti-semitic rhetoric.

Similar to Schlossberg, the individual faces of those dangerous clowns went viral all around the world in nano-seconds, via cable TV and the internet. Many were quickly identified. Some paid a heavy price but ALL of them have OUTED themselves.

Tis better that WE (the majority of America) know who THEY (haters) are …than WE not know.

By: Truthiz1 Thu, 24 May 2018 12:55:28 +0000 “Racist lawyer’s restaurant meltdown wasn’t his first rodeo”


Racist rhetoric appears to be a pattern for Midtown lawyer Aaron Schlossberg. The 42-year-old attorney who became the Big Apple’s Public Enemy No. 1 for hurling hate speech at Spanish-speaking restaurant workers was involved in a similar incident two years ago, video footage shows.

That 2016 incident, which took place on Manhattan’s Fifth Avenue, involved a man named Willie Morris, who claims Schlossberg attempted to shove him on the street before the lawyer exploded at him.

“What country you from? I’m gonna call the police,” Schlossberg says to Morris back in October 2016, according to cellphone footage of the incident, which was posted to YouTube.

“You don’t run into people. I’m a citizen here. You’re not. You’re an ugly f—king foreigner, so f—k you!” Schlossberg shouts at Morris — who filmed the video — before raising up his cellphone to “get a quick picture” of Morris.

“You’re not allowed to walk on the wrong side of the street,” Schlossberg then says.

A stunned Morris then films himself and says: “This guy just literally just ran into me and is going crazy.”

In the video Morris posted to YouTube showing the incident, he included footage of him reacting to it in the aftermath. […] – New York Post, May 17, 2018
