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Racist Teacher Fired Over Pool Party Rant

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Karen Fitzgibbons racist Facebook

A 4th grade teacher at Bennett Elementary in Lubbock, Texas is out of a job today, after posting racist remarks about the McKinney pool party incident on her Facebook page.

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Racist Facebook postKaren Fitzgibbons ignited a racist rant on Facebook, stating she was “ANGRY” that police corporal Eric Casebolt was forced to resign. She went on to say “the blacks are the ones causing the problems and this ‘racial tension,'” adding “I’m almost to the point of wanting them all segregated on one side of town so they can hurt each other and leave the innocent people alone. Maybe the 50s and 60s were really on to something.”  Hmmm…

When the Frenship Independent School District saw her racist post, they sprung into immediate action. Fitzgibbons was reminded that her conduct outside the classroom is just as important as inside the classroom. She was also informed that she has been ‘relieved of her duties.’

“All FISD employees are subject to district policies (DH Local) defining employee standards of conduct and electronic media practices,” Frenship spokesman Andy Penney said. “Frenship ISD is deeply disappointed in the thoughtlessness conveyed by this employee’s post. We find these statements to be extremely offensive, insensitive, and disrespectful to our Frenship community and citizens everywhere. These comments in no way represent the educational environment we have created for our students. As role models for the district’s students, employees are responsible for their public conduct even when they are not acting as district employees. Employees will be held to the same professional standards in their public use of electronic media as they are for any other public conduct.”

Realizing after the fact that her racist rant regarding a situation that didn’t involve her had cost her a job, Fitzgibbons issued the following apology:

First, to anyone, of any race, that I have offended, I sincerely apologize. That was not my intent. I let my emotions get the best of me, and instead of taking a deep breath, vented in an inappropriate way. I am truly sorry. I don’t want my comments to reflect poorly on my district or campus, as the words came from me, not them. Frenship and Bennett are amazing places full of people (teachers, administrators, custodial staff, cafeteria staff, parents, and others) who love, care about, and go the extra mile for all students, regardless of race. As a teacher and lifelong educator, I strive to do the same. I always tell my students that once they are my student, they will always be my child. As an educator, I do teach my students about treating all people fairly and with dignity. I regret that my words are now calling that into question. I can, and will, use this situation as a real world example of how emotions and words can cause hurt to others. I am ashamed of my post. As I look back and reflect, I see how hurtful those words sounded. It is my hope that my sincere apology will be accepted.

Thank you,
Karen Fitzgibbons

Despite issuing this makeshift apology then deleting her Facebook page, Fitzgibbon’s words are too little, too late.

Tracey Carver-Allbritton racist
Tracey Carver-Allbritton

Top News Today
Fitzgibbons is not the only Texas resident to lose her job over the pool party incident, where a rogue police officer pulled his gun on a group of African-American kids.

Until recently, Tracy Carver-Allbritton worked for CoreLogic, a division of Bank of America. She was fired last week after video footage revealed she was the actual instigator of the pool party melee and was involved in a physical fight with several black children.

In a statement, the Bank of America company said:

“CoreLogic does not condone violence, discrimination or harassment and takes conduct that is inconsistent with our values and expectations very seriously. As a result of these pending allegations, we have placed the employee in question on administrative leave while further investigations take place.”

Attention racist adults of America: consider yourself on notice!


OK WASSUP! tracks the top news today. Today’s article:
Two white adults have been fired for their conduct in the
McKinney, TX pool party incident.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Hahaha thats what she gets for sticking her nose in business that isn't hers. She knew the rules when she took the teaching job. So going on Facebook to say segregation was a good thing is grounds for firing. good riddance.

  2. Notice- her apology began with the following:

    "First, to anyone, of any race, that I have offended, I sincerely apologize. That was not my intent."

    That was "NOT" her intent..???!

    So her actual intent when spewing all that racist bile was exactly WHAT pray tell..?!

    Add THIS to the list of Real-life experiences that scare the H*LL outta me when considering ALL of the challenges most Black children already face in this country, FROM BIRTH, just by virtue of their race.

    RACIST White trash, too often known as…..Teachers.

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