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A California woman went on a Facebook rant the night President Obama was reelected, calling him the “N” word and hoping for his assassination.  Now, she can’t for the life of her understand what the big deal is, why her employer chose to fire her and why the Secret Service instantly showed up on her doorstep to investigate.

Denise Helms, a 22-year-old resident of Turlock, CA, thought it would be a brilliant idea to impress her Republican friends by posting this little ditty to her Facebook page:

Another 4 years of this n*****.  Maybe he will get assassinated this term..!

When the story of her post went viral and the local news picked it up, Helms tried to backpedal on her remarks, saying she knew it sounded racist but it was not.  She added that she was joking, but she wouldn’t “care one bit” if Mr. Obama were assassinated.  Hmmm, really???

Before deleting her Facebook page over the controversy, Helms made one final post:

So apparently my post last night about Obama got onto Twitter and Fox 40 came and interviewed me cause apparently a lot of people in Sacramento think I’m crazy and racist. WOW is all I got to say!! I’m not racist and I’m not crazy. just simply stating my opinion.!!!

Oh no, Ms. Helms — calling someone a “n**ger is not at all racist.  And hoping for the assassination of the leader of the free world is not at all crazy.  Of course not!  That’s all just harmless “opinion.”

The self-unawareness of her own immaturity and obvious racial issues, combined with threats against the President of the United States have proven to come at a huge cost for Ms. Helms.  Her boss at the local Cold Stone Creamery didn’t find her rant at all funny and fired her.  She is also now under the close watch and scrutiny of the U.S. Secret Service and could face federal charges.

Not so funny now, aye Denise??


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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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