In case you’ve been living on the dark side of the moon for the past week and don’t know who Rand Paul is, you soon will. And you most certainly should. Last Tuesday, Rand Paul won the Republican primary for Kentucky’s vacant U.S. Senate seat, and the right to run against the Democratic candidate in the fall. Sounds normal so far, huh? Well, on last Thursday’s edition of MSNBC’s “The Rachel Maddow Show”, Paul oddly admitted that not only does he not support the Americans with Disabilities Act, but he also does not support Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which “prohibits discrimination by covered employers on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin.” So in other words, Paul believes that if a black family goes to a restaurant that wants to operate as a “whites-only” establishment, the owner should have the right to deny that black family from entering the restaurant and the government should mind their own business and not interfere. Interesting!
These are the basic fundamentals of Libertarianism, of which both Ron and Rand Paul boldly embrace. Because in Rand Paul’s world, not only can Woolworth’s prevent black people from sitting at its lunch counter if it wants to (circa 1960), but a private police corporation can set up shop in a community, buy up any competing police corporations and announce that it no longer serves black people or Jewish people or Hispanic people or gay people or any minority segment of the population it wants. Or a private education franchise can choose to turn away all non-white students, basically excluding minorities from receiving an education. Paul promotes a throwback to 1955 and the pre-civil rights era, which would basically erase all the hard work of Dr. Martin Luther King and the lives lost of all the civil rights pioneers.
So CONGRATULATIONS! are in order for the Republican Party. The man you chose to run for the vacant U.S. Senate seat from Kentucky and the man who delivered the highest profile political victory for the tea party movement, has turned out to be a civil rights and racial maniac. Now let’s see how many of you actually support your candidate in the general election this fall, or find it necessary to cut and run from him as quickly and as far away as possible. Your move!
Ever since the whole Tea Party idea came up there's been rumblings it was a front for racism. They tried for a long time to deny it but now this Rand Paul thing proves it. If thats the candidate they chose and he won, they just played their entire hand. For somebody to want to turn back the entire civil rights movement like it never happened is insane. Isn't this 2010??I hear the Republicans have told Rand Paul to stay off the television for now while they work with him on how to dodge questions in interviews. It's the same set up they did for Sarah Palin. This is just crazy and makes me angry. And the sad part is some say this guy might win in Kentucky just because that plays right into their thinking. So thank you for this story. it needs more visibility so people know whats going on in this country.
First: I’d like to thank “Mr. Tea-Party rep” Rand Paul for bringing “the basic fundamentals of Libertarianism” to the national spotlight. Suffice it to say his world view (a white supremacist ideology reinforced by de facto racism) has certainly got the attention of THIS "little COLORED girl." Prior to Rand’s NOT-so excellent entrance to the national stage my knowledge of “Libertarianism” was limited to their fervent opposition to darn near ANY foreign military intervention_the Iraq war in particular. In short: They despise the neoCONs. And I agree with them on a few_A VERY FEW_other issues. But I know Neanderthal, quasi-theocrat and ne0-racists SOUNDING bullsh*t when I hear/read it! I don’t know if Rand Paul a “racist.” But THIS I do know: By his own words, he believes that “private property rights” and the economic “liberty” that follows trumps ALL other rights. Therefore, “private” businesses should indeed be allowed to engage in discriminatory behavior no matter how harmful/damaging or inhumane the consequences of that reprehensible behavior. BTW: Notwithstanding his non military interventionist, and fiscal, libertarian positions, Paul appears to have just enough libertarian “leanings” to PLAY dress-up and present himself as something he’s clearly NOT _a “new” and “independent voice for “Real Americans” (rolling my eyes). In actuality, his views on social issues mirror that of soc- con “christianists” NOT libertarians. He’s FOR the so-called “War on Drugs” (AGAINST legalizing pot), ANTI-choice, ANTI-gay civil unions/marriage, FOR prayer in schools… NONE of that sounds “libertarian” to me. It’s social conservatism! My guess is Rand is a disingenuous mixed bag of nuts, meaning, his true ideological worldview is “Paulism” (the name I gave his daddy’s ACTUAL worldview). Ron has made a career out of being “just libertarian enough” to appeal to a rather small but elite group of very angry, predominantly White relatively rich and VERY politically active malcontents _while also being just “right wing populist” enough to win elections in “real America” southern regions. What a pair_smh.
This guy is a nutcase. Now he's saying Rachel Maddow tortured him into saying those things. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/05/24/rand-pau…
Ooops I meant to write…..[But as a commenter on another site put it:"I know Neanderthal, quasi-theocrat and ne0-racists" SOUNDING bullsh*t when I hear/read it!]There. Now that's better 🙂
Mostly, I remain quiet here since this is a site with a rather obvious liberal bias. But I cannot remain silent in the midst of misinformation. Rand Paul is being crucified in the media for words he did not say. I won't take up your time or space by trying to explain it here, since I'm sure I'd be attacked anyway for my conservative opinion. Instead, I implore anyone seeking truth to Google search Rand Paul and learn what he really said. It is not what you think or are being misled to believe. Thank you.
Actually Beth, I welcome your voice!No doubt, we'd probably disagree on any given issue_Rand Paul being just ONE. But this is a great site and I'm cool with Civil and thoughtful debate.
TUES. May 25thAnd in other GOP related news THIS is getting quite a bit of attention this morning:"GOP Palin Endorsed Candidate Swipes Obama’s Speech"(ChattahBox)— Really, you can’t make this stuff up. Vaughn Ward, a Republican “tea-party” candidate running for Congress from Idaho, has been heartily endorsed by the Sarah “the half governor” Palin.Just 24-hours before Tuesday’s primary contest, he is forced to explain a striking similarity between his January announcement speech and Barack Obama’s, much heralded 2004 speech given before the Democratic National Convention, when he was a U.S. Senator. And this isn’t the first time Ward has been caught cribbing from other sources.Ward’s heavy borrowing from Obama’s now famous speech, was highlighted in a YouTube video created by Republican blogger Lucas Baumbach.Below are the passages in question, according to Politico:Obama’s 2004 speech: “As we stand at the crossroads of history, we can make the right choices and meet the challenges that face us. If you feel the same urgency that I do, if you feel the same passion that I do, then I have no doubt the people will rise up in November and this country will reclaim its promise and out of this long political darkness, a brighter day will come.”Ward’s January 2010 speech: “As we stand on the crossroads of history, I know we can make the right choice and meet the challenges that lay before us. If you feel the same urgency and the same passion that I do, then I have no doubt that our voices will be heard in November. And our country will reclaim its promise and out of this darkness, a better day is on the horizon.”Video: <a href="http://chattahbox.com/us/2010/05/24/gop-palin-endorsed-candidate-swipes-obamas-speech/http://chattahbox.com/us/2010/05/24/gop-palin-end… />H/T: MSNBC/ Chatterbox & Politico
Poor fella_smh. I wondered if “true" Libertarians would continue supporting Rand once it became clear he's NOT a “Libertarian”_? AP Wed. 5/26/10 @1:00 PM:"Rand Paul Faces Possible Challenge…." By Roger Alford FRANKFORT, Ky. — The Libertarian Party is considering running a candidate in Kentucky's U.S. Senate race, saying GOP nominee Rand Paul — the son of a former Libertarian presidential candidate — has betrayed the party's values.Party Vice Chairman Joshua Koch said Wednesday that Paul has been a black eye for Libertarians because of stands he's taken on issues, including his criticism of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.Koch said Paul is not a Libertarian. He called Paul and his Democratic opponent, Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway, "faces of the same bad coin."Koch said Paul's views on a variety of subjects differ from the Libertarian Party, including his promised support for any measures to ban abortion and his opposition to same-sex marriage."Trying to impose a national standard for that would throw the whole system out of balance, and that's definitely not Libertarian," Koch said.Koch also said Paul is out of step with Libertarians in his unwillingness to call for U.S. troops to leave Iraq and Afghanistan."The reason why we would even consider running somebody in this race is because we're not going to let Rand determine what a Libertarian stands for," he said. "I'm here to say Rand does not have the Libertarian ideology."Full story: <a href="http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/ap/top/all/7023249.htmlhttp://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/ap/top/all/70… />H/T: HuffingtonPost