Comments on: Reconsidering Columbus Day News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:52:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Troy Fri, 24 Oct 2014 03:10:15 +0000 We have a bloody history but so does the entire freaking world! We are no worse than the other countries who murdered & plundered their way through history. We average and good Americans try to be civilized in an uncivil world. Our country goes too far in starting unjust wars. Perhaps that has to do with the Leadership? We are a fully corrupt Big Spending Big Government fascist / socialist nation that doesn't have a lot of time left to get back to what made us great. There may not be much time before we lose what we once had. Ask any immigrant from far away lands who came here with nothing and became successful. If you think Columbus is the problem with your life, then your focus is waaay off! It is real easy to sit & bitch about Columbus while you use rely on all the products created for you to enjoy. (see list above) Don't take all this for granted. Get up off your ass & contribute something positive & productive to your world. There is no Utopia! Just make your own world better & shut up about Columbus!

By: Troy Fri, 24 Oct 2014 03:09:13 +0000 Wow! What a brainwashed response you gave about Columbus Day. It is sad for me to read your words. To understand that you are the direct byproduct of our crappy common core educational system. Self absorbed and self loathing your American roots. You use the computer, the I-pod, the internet, drive to the grocery store & buy the plentiful food, live in your air conditioned house with plumbing, fly across the country in a plane, & entertain yourself w/ games & movies, and you complain about the man who "discovered" America. What a joke of a shallow thinking human being you reveal yourself to be! You would be considered a hypocrite by any measure because you use & enjoy these things which were brought to fruition because of the freedom our constitution brought to ALL people.At one time this country was Free & Great & more innovative than any in history! More people thrived & dreamed & produced than any other system offered in the history of the world! Yes, we have problems right now and a history that involved genocide. But those ideas & customs have changed over time.

By: Tyrob Thu, 16 Oct 2014 03:09:32 +0000 Thank you for the warm welcome Mr. BD

By: Mr. BD Wed, 15 Oct 2014 23:47:13 +0000 A big work project has kept me away from here the past couple of days. But I see a new contributor with some eloquent comments. Welcome to you Tyrob.

As always DJ I think this topic is spot on. Like Truth said I'm glad you do this one every year so people don't forget the real story about Columbus. I'm glad some places are turning the day into a Indeginous people day. Truth, I think it's basically the same thing if we say Indeginous or Native American? We all know who we're celebrating and it ain't Columbus. lol

By: Tyrob Mon, 13 Oct 2014 22:22:30 +0000 There seems to be a constant law in nature. If you plant a seed and carefully nurture it, in its season it will yield fruit. In biblical text it says, "A tree is known by the fruit it bares". That being said, the seeds of total disregard for humanity and insatiable greed planted by Christopher Columbus in 1493 produced a harvest of tragedy that persist until present day. It might appear a bit of an oxymoron that a country who declares itself leaders of the free world and the land of liberty when more closely examined might be something other than that. It seems that it's in the DNA of the land thanks to Columbus. But just as in farming if you want to plant a new crop you have to turn the soil and plant something different. This is a good way to keep turning the soil and planting a new crop. First by exposing that the old crop causes an epidemic of insanity, high mortality rates and geographical destruction due to the DIS-EASE the crop is intended to cause. Can't fix a problem until you first admit there is one to fix. Changing the name of this federal holiday to one that represents the true beauty of the land in its pre-columbus era can serve as a guide to refocus on traditions of hospitality toward all humanity and respect of the earth which we all are a part of. Hey the seeds are free so why not?
