Debate Round 3: Donald Got Trumped!

Politics –
Debate Round 3:
Donald Got Trumped!
Wednesday night’s Debate Round 3 in Las Vegas picked up where we last left off. “Fisherman” Hillary Clinton set the bait, and it didn’t take long for her to get a bite.
If anyone was unclear if Donald Trump has the temperament to be President of the United States, Debate Round 3 answered that question beyond a shadow of a doubt: NO! In fact, Trump is so thin-skinned, he proved he can be easily snared with the slightest of effort.
For the first several moments of the evening, Donald Trump successfully displayed the days of practice his handlers forced him to endure. He appeared presidential. He appeared diplomatic. He even appeared as if he might finally be able to keep his cool under pressure. However, all it took was an obviously baited comment about his manhood and those days of debate prep quickly went right out of the window.
“When it comes to the wall that Donald talked about building, he went to Mexico, he had a meeting with the Mexican president, didn’t even raise it,” Mrs. Clinton said, adding “He choked!”
Well, “The Donald” simply couldn’t help himself and his debate performance immediately went downhill from there. For the rest of the night, Donald Trump kept taking the bait while Hillary Clinton simply kept reeling him in.
Trump tried to make up points by bragging that Russian President Vladimir Putin doesn’t respect Mrs. Clinton enough to be president, to which she replied with more fresh bait: “That’s because he’d rather have a puppet for a president.”
“You’re the puppet,” Trump interrupted, sounding very much like a 12-year-old brat in a “No, YOU’RE ugly” sort of way.
At one point, Trump even told Mrs. Clinton, “You’re a nasty woman” — a comment not at all well received among female voters.
However, the entrée of the evening came when moderator Chris Wallace asked Trump if, win or lose, he would accept the outcome of the election. “I’ll tell you at the time. I’ll keep you in suspense,” Trump barked defiantly, effectively declaring he would not support America’s concept of the peaceful transfer of power. If Donald Trump hadn’t already lost the election, that single remark sealed the deal.
Almost immediately, critics within Trump’s own party pounced on his remarks as dangerous to our very existence as a democracy.
“Like most Americans, I have confidence in our democracy and election system,” Sen. Lindsay Graham of South Carolina said. “During this debate, Mr. Trump is doing the party and the country a great disservice by continuing to suggest the outcome of this election is out of his hands and ‘rigged’ against him. If he loses, it will not be because the system is ‘rigged,’ but because he failed as a candidate.”
Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona echoed those words, tweeting that Trump “saying that he might not accept election results is beyond the pale.”
The public also weighed in on Trump’s verbiage. According to a new CNN/ORC poll, 52% to 39% voted in favor of Hillary Clinton winning Debate Round 3.
With The Washington Post, Red State, and a host of other major news sources reporting that traditionally Republican states such as Arizona, Georgia, Utah and even Texas are now in play for the Democrats (including presidential and down-ballot races), the writing is on the wall: Donald is about to get TRUMPED!
Yes indeed DJ. A great summary (as usual) and completely accurate.
Hillary came prepared to handle her business…and handle it she did. Honestly after awhile her handling of Trump began to look like child's play to me, as in playing Checkers not Chess. That's how easy it was for her to bait him.
We all know the man can't help himself. He can barely keep it together for more than 20-30 minutes before quickly reverting back to being himself – which of course reminds voters of who he actually IS…which is why he AND the Republican party appear to be on their way to a major defeat on Nov. 8th.
Just think of the nightmare America. if not the world, would be facing had that dangerous moron been able to hide his True self until AFTER the election..!?!
Thankfully, Trump's ignorance, arrogance and narcissistic ego Always guides him, which is his undoing. And thankfully, the majority of American voters appear to be totally REJECTING any notion that he's even remotely *fit* to be the President of the United States.
Nov. 8th will tell the story.
Btw- I never like to rush my life. But in this case, the next 19 days can't go by fast enough for me.
And on a related note, looks like Donnie Jr. is every bit the delusional fool his father is.
MSN: Donald Trump Jr. says the presidency would be a 'step down' for dad
Moving into the White House would be a "step down" for his father, Donald Trump Jr. told a Fox News reporter after the third presidential debate Wednesday.
Trump Jr. made the remark while explaining why he thought his father won the final debate.
"He hasn't spent his whole life to be up on a debate stage like a career politician," Trump Jr. said. "He's spent his life creating jobs, building things, doing things that would benefit American workers in this country. He's done that for his whole career. So you know what? He's learning. He's learning as he goes. If he was doing this his whole life he'd be the greatest politician in the history of the world."
"Unlike Hillary Clinton, who's gotten very rich being a politician, peddling American influence, he hasn't. This is only a step down. But he wants to make sure that all Americans, all ethnicities and backgrounds, have the same opportunity to do what he's been able to do: To start a great family, to start a great business." [….]
MSN Reader:
That's right Donald Jr. your father hasn't spent his whole life working in the public sector, he's spent it stealing money from condo buyers, stealing money from contractors that he's stiffed, and stealing money from the government via fake tax returns and bribing politicians, founding fake colleges and fake foundations and stealing money from public housing projects.
So, please leave the public sector alone and go back to your fancy penthouses where your family can count your money and leave the rest of the country alone, you've done enough damage already. […]
Truth you always come with the facts. Trump Jr says Donald is learning?? Nope this is not the type job you learn on the fly. Besides if he thinks being president is a step down, then they need to step their arses right back up into Trump Tower and leave being president for somebody grown and qualified.
"Truth you always come with the facts."
Lol. Thanks BD. You know we keep it REAL around here. 😉
……and Rod chimes in……
"Trump Disqualifies Himself"
The Republican Party’s nominee for the US presidency said on national television, three weeks before the election, that he might not accept its legitimacy.
On no grounds whatsoever.
Every horrible thing Hillary said {last night}, every horrible thing she stands for, every horrible thing her presidency is going to mean for the country and the causes most important to me — all of it is obviated by this statement. A man so vain and so unspeakably reckless cannot be trusted in the White House. [….] – Rod Dreher, TAC writer
TAC Reader:
The evidence was always there that this is a man inclined to believe outlandish conspiracy theories if they propped up his self-image. Now there can be no doubt. Think of a man like that, with that kind of hold on reality, making life or death military and political decisions. […]
TAC Reader:
Needless to say, Trump needed a Hail Mary pass or two to have a chance. Instead he fumbled in his own end zone. And even without saying that, he performed poorly {last night}.
But Trump is the candidate of a shrinking faction of the electorate that is staring its demographic doom in the face, and which knows it. A group of folks who are only prepared to respect democracy if and when they win; and who would gladly embrace an authoritarian as long as he’s their authoritarian. A group who considers any adverse election result to be tyranny. A group who considers themselves Real America, and thinks that the country’s cultural and political patrimony rightfully belong to them and them alone. A group who seem to view the Democratic Party as an occupying army, not as a loyal opposition party. [….]
TAC Reader:
I can’t wait to read the rationalizations and defenses Trump supporters will offer here for that disqualifying remark. It should be fascinating.
For the rest of us, however, Mr. Trump’s candidacy is as dead, dead, dead as the parrot in that famous Monty sketch. It is passed on. It is no more. It has ceased to be. It has expired and gone on to meet its maker. It is an ex-parrot. Requiescat en pace. […]
Oh brother this was a good debate. You are right DJ when you said she Trumped him. This clown can't go five minutes without somebody being able to get under his skin. He must have been picked on as a child because he acts like a child the minute he things somebody is challenging him. My favorite line was when Hillary Clinton said Putin wants a puppet as president and Trump said no you're the puppet. LOL there is no way on God's green earth this fool is going to be president. But the clown show was fun while it lasted.
LOL!!! On the contrary BD. I'm thinking the poor man probably WASN'T picked up nearly enough as a child, given how much attention he craves.
Whatever the case may be (I really do believe there's something *clinically* wrong with the guy) it appears the majority of American voters don't want him anywhere near the White House.
But I won't rest easy until I hear it confirmed on the night of Nov. 8th.
LOL Just look at his eyes. Look at the second pix in this story above and you can see something is wrong with the man. He is a lunatic and they have been trying to let him be in control of the nuclear button? No thank you!
Donald Trump said Thursday he will accept the results of next month's election if he wins, a caveat that threatens to cast unprecedented doubt on the legitimacy of the electoral process.
Yep. The fool still thinks this is a game.
"Republicans despondent that Trump threw away final debate"
"Down-ticket Republicans lost,' one GOP pollster said. 'They needed some help and got absolutely none.'
Donald Trump’s rocky performance on the final debate stage in Las Vegas on Wednesday night did little to allay his party’s concerns that the GOP is headed for an electoral catastrophe up and down the ticket.
In interviews with over a dozen senior Republican strategists, not one said Trump did anything to change the trajectory of a contest that is growing further out of reach. And many said they were deeply distressed by Trump’s refusal to accept the results of the Nov. 8 election, an eyebrow-raising moment already dominating headlines.
With Trump’s prospects for securing 270 electoral votes growing dimmer by the day, many Republicans have turned their focus to the gritty, unpleasant task of protecting the party’s congressional majorities. Trump, they said, did little to buttress the GOP ticket — and may have worsened its position by repeating his claim that the election is rigged, something congressional Republicans are sure to be pressed on in the days to come.
Immediately after Trump’s remark, several party higher-ups, including South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham and Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake, took to Twitter to distance themselves from it.
“The biggest loser tonight was not Trump; the presidential race is over,” said Robert Blizzard, a GOP pollster who is working on a number of congressional races. “Instead, down-ticket Republicans lost tonight — they needed some help and got absolutely none.” […] Politico
I don't know why they're so "despondent"…? He's THEIR guy…..Lol.
And he didn't "throw away" anything. He FAILED. Period.
End of story.
Friday, Oct. 21, 2016
Trump National Political Director 'Steps Back' From Campaign
Move comes as campaign mobilizes for final crucial push.
Jim Murphy, Donald Trump’s national political director, is no longer playing an active role on the campaign, according to three sources briefed on the move – a troubling development for the Republican nominee coming just 19 days before the election.
"I have not resigned but for personal reasons have had to take a step back from the campaign," Murphy said in a statement to POLITICO. He did not elaborate on the reasons for his departure.
Several Trump aides said that Murphy has been conspicuously absent in recent days as the campaign mobilizes for the final push.
The move comes at an inopportune time for the campaign, with little more than two weeks remaining until Election Day and Trump cratering in opinion polls.
Murphy is a close ally of Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman, having worked together on Bob Dole’s 1996 presidential campaign. Manafort resigned from the Trump campaign in August.
It’s the latest departure in a campaign rife with turnover. Manafort resigned from the campaign in August, just two months after succeeding Trump’s first campaign manager. Other campaign hands, including longtime party strategist Ed Brookover, have also left. [….]
It's called *seeing the handwriting on the wall* and RUNNING for the hills to try and save one's career.
Frankly, I expect that a number of political hacks will suffer professionally as a consequence of their support for such a highly toxic creature named Donald Trump.