
Reinvention Of Mike Pence Has Begun!

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Have you heard about the reinvention of Mike Pence?  Yes, it’s a real thing.  No, it’s not a joke.  Oh, and yes, it is quite comical.

Stop the presses: Mike Pence wants to run for president.  In fact, he always has.  It’s the reason he opted to spend 4 years in The White House as Trump’s main lapdog — and the reason (despite everything that has happened since the election) he’s remaining Trump’s lapdog to this day while simultaneously attempting to carve a place for himself in American politics.

Reinvention Of Mike Pence

When Donald Trump lost the 2020 presidential election, Mike Pence remained surprisingly silent on the matter — and it pissed ‘The Donald’ off.  Then, Pence had the temerity to tell Trump he would follow the law and not Trump’s marching orders in certifying the rightful winner of the election.  Clearly, this breach of “Trump protocol” led to the insurrection of January 6th at the US Capitol, where Trump’s MAGA fanatics turned on Pence, tied a noose to hang him, then hunted for him throughout the Capitol building to exact their brand of justice and revenge against the one-time Trump loyalist.

Now, Pence wants to forget all of that and is launching a reinvention of Mike Pence scheme to get regular voters to respect him once again — and to convince Trump sycophants that he’s still a regular ‘Trumpy’ and still on their side.

During a speech last Thursday at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, the former VP introduced us all to his reinvention of Mike Pence act by attempting to have things both ways.

First, he denounced the Capitol attack and said: “Truth is, there is almost no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president.” Pence then added that he would “always be proud” he fulfilled his obligation to approve the certification of President Joe Biden’s election win.

Reinvention Of Mike Pence

However, Pence then performed a very delicate dance to appease ReTrumplicans by lauding Trump as “the best conservative president in modern history.” He then added that he believes Trump was a more consequential conservative than even Ronald Reagan.

“Under President Trump’s leadership we were able to achieve things Republicans have been talking about since the days of Barry Goldwater,” Pence said.


“By diverging from Trump on the January 6th attack, Pence produced a handy sound bite to reassure those who were appalled. But anyone who paid close attention to the rest of Pence’s speech would have picked up on his attempt to lay claim to the Trumpiest in the GOP.” Michael D’Antonio, author

The reveal of the reinvention of Mike Pence delivered 2 succinct points.  It showed that Pence is willing to publicly take a stand against efforts to undermine democracy — and it proved that Pence is willing to kiss up to Trump and his flock if it delivers him more votes in the end (also known as “Having It Both Ways).

Reinvention Of Mike Pence

If anyone assumed Trump’s January 6th attack against the Capitol, against democracy, and against the former VP’s life might have changed Mike Pence, guess again.  In the months since he’s been out of office, Pence still hasn’t grown a spine or a set of balls.

OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
The reinvention of Mike Pence.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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If anyone assumed Trump’s January 6th attack against the Capitol, against democracy, and against the former VP’s life might have changed Mike Pence, guess again. In the months since he’s been out of office, Pence still hasn’t grown a spine or a set of balls. [….] -DJ

Yes indeed. And that pretty much sums up Mike Pence’s “dear leader” too. Trump. No spine and No balls. Which is what made Pence the perfect fit for Trump. 

Honestly, except for the fact that both clowns somehow managed to father children, I liken both of them to Eunuchs. Not an actual “manly” bone to be found in either of them. 

Just mush. Pure mush.

Last edited 3 years ago by Truthiz1

Lol exactly Truth.


Mike Pence sold out to the devil a long time ago. He cannot reinvent himself like we forgot who he has been all these years. If he wants to run for president he should go join up with Trumps crew. Because nobody else is going to buy him pretending he is this changed man.


[…] Politics This past January, Donald Trump ordered Mike Pence to refuse to certify Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 presidential election during a joint session of Congress.  The order came with the caveat that if Pence refused, Trump “wouldn’t be his friend” any longer.  When Mike Pence informed ‘The Donald’ that his role in certifying the election was merely ceremonial and that he was incapable of taking a side and fixing the results, Trump dispatched his MAGA mob to Capitol Hill and the now-historic January 6th insurrection was born. […]

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