JOBS/ECONOMY – The American people are (still) hurting. Many family heads remain out of work and are living week to week on how to continue making ends meet. President Obama must remind Americans he hasn’t forgotten about them by shifting his focus back to the urgency of jobs and the economy. Using tonight’s address to present his ideas on additional steps to help create and stir hiring around the country would provide a much needed sense of hope to many.
UNDERSTANDING – One of the most important jobs of any President is to provide comfort and understanding when needed most. With that said, Mr. Obama needs to show some contrition tonight and let voters know that “he gets it” on health care, and is frustrated with the slow pace of the economic rebound. The President should also acknowledge that Democrats went about overhauling health care in a way that left people with more questions than comfort, and must promise to create a better understanding going forward.
BACKBONE – President Obama’s style is one of compromise and trying to please all of the people all of the time. But as high as the stakes are now, he would do himself a favor by showing some spunk. Mr. Obama must show the American public he is willing and able to stand up to both Republicans AND Democrats in Congress to fight for THEM. Despite their total control of Washington, Democrats are very guilty for not getting more done during Mr. Obama’s first year in office. Ronald Reagan often stood up to members of his own party while in office, distancing himself somewhat from the party so as to seem more on the side of those who voted for him. Mr. Obama might be smart to take a page from the old Reagan playbook.
STRENGTH – Despite a difficult first year including Democratic losses that have made the GOP giddy, Mr. Obama must show the American people that he is not shaken by any of this, but remains strong. After setting that tone, he needs to remind people that the nation’s problems are hard and complicated, the responses are experimental, and that the mess he was handed the day he became President will take time and patience to clean up. But that he IS up for the task!
SOMETHING TANGIBLE – Mr. Obama has certainly not been merely sitting in the Oval Office and twiddling his thumbs while basking in the glow of power. He has been hard at work for the American people, with plenty of accomplishments to boast about. The problem is those accomplishments are barely visible to Joe and Jane Public. Mr. Obama needs to present a splash to the American public that not only shows them beyond doubt he is working on their behalf, but he needs to give Americans something tangible they can hold onto so they feel like they’re getting instead of just giving. Former President George W. Bush did this with the extremely small tax rebates he handed back to Americans. Although the money wasn’t enough to make much of a difference in most people’s lives, it was the thought that counted and made many feel like the President was on “their” side.
On Point. On Point. On Point. On Point. On Point.As far as I'm concerned, you nailed it DJ! I certainly hope that the President and his staff are READING blogs like OKWASSUP.
Thank you for the compliment Truthiz!I certainly hope the President and his people read our blog too, but more importantly I hope he is able to find a way to reset his presidency and get back on the right track.Thanks for your support!- DJ
All the poings you named sound good to me. I have big hopes for Obama tonight and beyond.