Houston Devastation Continues To Rise

#Pray For Houston
The devastation in Houston continues today with new developments from Donald Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz, Pastor Joel Osteen, and a renewed threat from now-Tropical Storm Harvey Part II.
Top News Today
The situation in Houston has already eclipsed that of Hurricane Katrina from 2005. In New Orleans, the levee breaks were the height of that disaster. However, the levee breaks in Houston and the flooding of the city from surrounding rivers is only the beginning of their story. The rain in Houston has not stopped since Friday and has already dumped 4 feet of water on the area. Harvey is also expected to circle back over the Gulf of Mexico and regain strength for a potential 2nd strike today against the area.
Now, pests and predators are a concern.
With no land for them to maintain their nests, fire ants have formed floating islands of themselves and are a great risk to anyone who comes in contact with them. Additionally, local reptile parks have reported that the flooding released alligators into the streets of rivers and streams, posing an enormous threat to anyone attempting to tread or swim through the continuously rising waters.
As promised, Donald Trump made a visit to the Houston area on Tuesday. However, the pit stop was more of a photo-op and publicity stunt for the narcissistic former reality television star than a presidential/leadership moment.
Trump didn’t meet with, console, or offer compassion to a single survivor or displaced resident. In fact, he never once even mentioned the victims or those still stranded and awaiting rescue. Instead and as usual, he made it all about himself.
“What a crowd, what a turnout,” Trump told spectators gathered to hear his impromptu remarks from a fire truck in Corpus Christi. Then, briefly shifting focus to new FEMA Director William Brock Long for his newfound celebrity in light of the disaster, Trump called him “a man who’s really become very famous on television in the last couple of days.”
Trump’s remarks came only days after he pardoned former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, saying he announced the pardon during the hurricane coverage because he expected it to get high ratings.
Some things never change.
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz received a verbal tongue lashing on live television Tuesday as he solicited money for his devastated state.
Cruz appeared on MSNBC begging for billions of dollars in federal relief aid for Texas. However, anchor Katy Tur reminded the Republican senator that he was a hypocrite for having once voted against similar aid for victims of 2012’s Hurricane Sandy.
“[Northeast Republicans] are pointing at you and they’re saying, ‘You’re asking for money now when you weren’t willing to help the people in the Northeast?’” Tur charged.
Immediately feeling stumped, Cruz rambled on about this not being the time for “political sniping” and finger-pointing.
“It’s not really political sniping, Senator,” Tur interrupted. “These are people who needed money and needed funding right after that storm. I covered those people. Many of them, just like those in Houston, lost absolutely everything they owned.”
Cruz fell silent from lack of a logical comeback.
When others were in need, Cruz turned his back. Now, stranded in Houston with nowhere to go, Cruz is in need of help. Funny how the tables have turned.
For the past several days, television evangelist Joel Osteen of Houston’s Lakewood Church refused to open the doors of his church to displaced residents seeking refuge from the devastation. Lakewood Church is the former home of the NBA’s Houston Rockets and is large enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people. The high elevation of the church building also meant that it was spared the flooding of the surrounding areas.
Osteen made excuses for not opening his church doors, initially claiming that the building was flooded and unsafe (it was not). Then he said he would open the church only after local shelters had reached capacity (they did days ago). Social media ripped the “pastor” to shreds and called him everything but a child of God, forcing him to open the church to fleeing residents in order to save face — and the perception of his $25 million plus per year ministry.
Top News Today
Tropical Storm Harvey is once again over the Gulf of Mexico, gathering water and strength that is expected to hit Houston with a 2nd punch sometime today. Grocery stores, schools, and businesses remain closed. Drinking water and food rations are rapidly drying up. Getting back to normal will take years for America’s 4th largest city. They need our help now more than ever before.
So let’s see………
We have an historic Category 4 Hurricane devastating the lives of millions in its path; a vacuous and narcissistic FAKE-alpha CON-man; an arrogant, disingenuous and quite cynical Hypocrite; And a SELF-anointed religious “PROFIT” who worships at the altar of $$$ while preying on the weak and gullible.
Yes. My thoughts and prayers are with the individuals and families affected by Hurricane Harvey.
Hurricane Evacuee Slams CNN Reporter: ‘You are STILL putting a microphone in my face!’
An exhausted mother-of-2 who survived the worst tropical storm in modern history put a CNN reporter in check after the reporter attempted to exploit her family for TV ratings.
The soaking wet evacuee named “Danielle” had just arrived at a temporary shelter with her 2 children when CNN reporter Rosa Flores shoved a microphone in her face and asked her to “share with us how you were rescued.”
The mom explained how she and her children went without food for 36 hours waiting to be rescued from their flooded home but “nobody came.” She said she and the children waded through chest high water to a nearby gas station where they were picked up by a friend and transported to the shelter.
As Flores pestered her with more questions, Danielle snapped:
“We walked through four feet of water to get them food on the first day,” she said. “Yeah, that’s a lot of sh-t. But you all are sitting here trying to interview people through their worst time. Like that’s not the smartest thing to do.” – H/T: SandraRose
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuJoue2kg_M&ab_channel=CrazyLaughAction
I don’t know how people can keep defending this man. The way Trump acted was disgusting. Here is one of the biggest tragedies in history but he finds a way to make it all about him. Sickening. As for Joel Osteen I’m done with him too.
Trump is a self centered asshole. Of course he had to make himself the center of attention.