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Remembering Boxer Ken Norton

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Top News Today – 
Former Heavyweight Boxing Champ Ken Norton Dies
Ken Norton, best known for his 3 memorable fights against Muhammad Ali, once breaking his jaw and winning their first bout, then losing twice before becoming the World Boxing Council heavyweight champion, died Wednesday in Las Vegas.

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The 6’2 and 220 pound Norton was considered an underdog, but defeated Ali in 1973 during a 12-round split decision to capture the heavyweight title.

“Ali thought it would be an easy fight,” Norton’s former manager, Gene Kilroy said. “But Norton was unorthodox. Instead of jabbing from above like most fighters, he would put his hand down and jab up at Ali.”  According to Kilroy, Norton visited Ali at the hospital after the fight, where he was getting his broken jaw wired.  Ali told him then and there he never wanted to fight him again.

Ken Norton was 70.

OK WASSUP! features the Top News Today.
In this article, former heavyweight boxing champion Ken Norton 
dies in Las Vegas.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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