New Mexico Is Actually A ‘REAL’ US State!

Donald Trump has apparently created such ignorance and fear of Mexico and Mexicans that at least 2 local city officials were completely clueless New Mexico is an actual US state and NOT part of the Country of Mexico.
Gavin Clarkson of Las Cruces found this out the hard way recently when he and his then-fiancée applied for a marriage license in Washington, DC.

In his quest to marry, Clarkson provided the local clerk with his state-issued driver’s license as proof of identity. However, she immediately assumed he was a foreign citizen and said he would need to provide his international passport in order to get a US marriage license.
When Clarkson objected, the clerk reluctantly went to ask her supervisor for clarification — but the supervisor also affirmed that he would indeed need to present his international passport for a marriage license.
Insisting to the clerk that New Mexico is now and has been a US state since 1912, Clarkson convinced the clerk to go back a 2nd time to receive further clarity. Fortunately for him, someone inside the clerk’s office actually passed their high school history class and realized that New Mexico is not part of the country with the similar name but is, in fact, a legitimate US state.
“You know you are from flyover country when you are applying for a marriage license, give them your New Mexico driver’s license, and they come back and say: ‘My supervisor says we cannot accept international driver’s licenses. Do you have a New Mexico passport?'” Clarkson posted on Facebook recently.
In an interview with local news media, Clarkson said he has heard of his fellow state residents experiencing such geographical ignorance when traveling, but “it was the first time it happened to me.”
“She thought New Mexico was a foreign country,” Clarkson said of the clerk, who also complimented him on how well he was speaking English.
“All the couples behind us waiting in line were laughing,” he added.
The DC courts system has since acknowledged the staff error and issued an apology.
“We understand that a clerk in our Marriage Bureau made a mistake regarding New Mexico’s 106-year history as a state,” said Leah H. Gurowitz, director of media and public relations for DC Courts. “We very much regret the error and the slight delay it caused a New Mexico resident in applying for a DC marriage license.”
And so, the moral of this story is: rise up, Americans. We really shouldn’t be this dumb!
Oh brother this is funny and sad all in one. A mind is a terrible thing to waste LOL