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Arlen Specter has lost his battle with cancer.

The former U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania, who was once a Republican but later joined the Democratic Party, died over the weekend after years of battling Hodgkin’s lymphoma.  Specter was Pennsylvania’s longest serving senator in history and was being hailed as a true statesman by political leaders in both parties.

“Arlen Specter was a man of immense dignity and vision whose politics was not limited to the party,” Rev. Jesse Jackson said in celebration of Specter’s sense of bipartisanship. “He did not limit his sense of justice to party politics. He chose the republic over Republicans, and democracy over Democrats.”

In a post on his Twitter page, Sen. John McCain tweeted “Arlen Specter – a dear friend who served his state and nation with honor and distinction. RIP.”

In a statement released by the White House on Sunday, President Obama said “Arlen Specter was always a fighter. From his days stamping out corruption as a prosecutor in Philadelphia to his three decades of service in the Senate, Arlen was fiercely independent – never putting party or ideology ahead of the people he was chosen to serve.

“He brought that same toughness and determination to his personal struggles, using his own story to inspire others,” Mr. Obama continued. “When he announced that his cancer had returned in 2005, Arlen said, ‘I have beaten a brain tumor, bypass heart surgery and many tough political opponents and I’m going to beat this, too.’

“Arlen fought that battle for seven more years with the same resolve he used to fight for stem-cell research funding, veterans health, and countless other issues that will continue to change lives for years to come,” Mr. Obama added. “Michelle and I send our thoughts and prayers to Joan and the rest of the Specter family.”

Arlen Specter was 82.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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