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Remembering Speaker Tom Foley

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Former House Speaker Tom Foley Dies
Former Speaker of the House of Representatives Tom Foley has died.

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The Democrat, who served 3 decades in congress from 1965 to 1995 passed away Friday, according to his wife.

Foley, who was best known for having a conciliatory reputation, rose through the ranks as chairman of the House Agriculture Committee in 1975, then as Majority Whip in 1981 and Majority Leader in 1987. Finally, after the resignation of then-Speaker Jim Wright due to an ethics scandal in 1989, Foley was elected to the speakership and was unopposed by his Democratic colleagues.

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Although Foley was widely respected on Capitol Hill for his open-mindedness, many believed his style made him a weak leader.  Foley believed bipartisanship was in the interest of better public policy, but he acknowledged that his negotiating style sometimes inadvertently made his party lose the upper hand.

“I think I am a little cursed with seeing the other point of view and trying to understand it,” Foley said.

Tom Foley was 84.

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Today’s news: the death of former House Speaker Tom Foley


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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