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Nursing Home Strippers?!?!

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April 10, 2014

Nursing Home strippers???


A Long Island, NY nursing home is being sued after allowing “male stripper night” as part of a festive entertainment event for its elderly and senile patients.

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Franklin Youngblood filed the suit on behalf of his 85-year-old mother, whom he said was swindled out of money and humiliated when the home thrust a near-naked stripper onto the residents. YIKES!

According to Youngblood, he found a photo of a scantily clothed male gyrating his pelvis in the face of his mom, Bernice Youngblood, at the East Neck Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in West Babylon. When he confronted the nursing staff about what he had found, he claimed they stonewalled him and even tried to snatch the pic away.

Youngblood was also surprised to learn that hired strippers are part of an ongoing and regular “entertainment activity” sponsored by the center.

Youngblood said his mother suffers from Alzheimer’s, advanced dementia and is confined to a wheelchair, which made her unable to fend off the stripper. He also claims the dollar bills she was told to stuff in the G-string of the strippers were taken from her personal account.

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However, an attorney for the facility has come forward to announce that the elderly residents actually decided on their own to throw the spring-break-style male-stripper party in the facility’s rec room — and the old ladies loved every last bump and grind of it!

current events entertainmentOn Tuesday, Attorney Howard Fensterman said a leadership group of more than a dozen residents at the facility approved the sexy stripper show by doling out $250 of their own funds to hire the dirty dancer.

“The home has an activities panel of 16 people — residents — who actually voted to have this event,”  Fensterman said. “They welcomed it, and it looks like they had a good time.”

Fensterman also pointed out that Bernice Youngblood was smiling and looked quite “entertained” in the photo that sparked the lawsuit.

So, who’s right?  Did the nursing home force a male stripper on its elderly residents against their will? Or, was Bernice Youngblood and her old girlfriends simply trying to get their freak on one last time, but overcome with embarrassment once their families found out?


OK WASSUP! covers the latest current events, including a 
lawsuit against a Long Island nursing home for allowing 
a male stripper as part of an ‘entertainment event.’


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Is this a belated April Fools joke? Is it possible that Ms. Youngblood did consent to the stripper but then due to her mental state declined shortly before or in the moment? I am unsure of the laws but I would bet that the nursing home violated her rights somehow by not offering her to opt out.

  2. I don't think there is a right or wrong party. The nursing home accommodated the needs of a small group of residence. Maybe they were embarrassed when the photos surfaced, I need more facts in order to place blame.

  3. Wait. WHAT?!?! To echo Jill – is this some kind of a sick joke?Because, IMO, under NO circumstances should this blatantly egregious crap be okay. It's a nursing home for goodness sake…a place for sick and (mostly) old people..our most vulnerable population (next to young children). The notion that this was done to accomodate the wishes of a small group of sick and elderly residents sounds like SCAPEGOAT to me. But regardless of why it was done – if My mother had been a resident-client of that facility and subjected to such an appalling thing_not only would the owners and operators of that nursing be looking at a Civil suit_I would explore whether criminal charges could be pursued as well.

    1. Thank you, Truthiz, for clearing some things up. I agree, a civil lawsuit is certainly in the future for this nursing home facility. If not a proper investigation. I was more appalled at the level of access these facilities have to their patients financial resources. As you said, smells like scapegoating to me.

  4. I have a feeling that this is another case of 'what seemed like a good idea became a terrible idea once the photos were revealed'. Now, out of humiliation, the family of this woman has chosen to sue. I don't believe it will stand up in court, this is not a case of false imprisonment, like it was presented.

    1. I've been around these places enough to know that the staff are overworked and the residents sometimes suffer for that, but no facility is going to force their residents to sit through a striptease if they stated that they were not interested.

    2. June, she can't operate the wheel chair to even leave the room if she wanted to. I worked in a nursing home. I know how the entertainment portion of the day works. They are all corralled up, brought to a room, their wheel chairs locked in place and they stay there until the "entertainment" is done. Then they are all wheeled down the halls back to their rooms or community room and usually fed their meals. Very lonely life, but this activity is inappropriate.

  5. LOL I think this old lady was just trying to get her freak on like you said and got caught. In the pic she doesn't look like she has dementia or nothing. She's smiling and looking glad somebody's giving her a show. the nursing home shouldn't have allowed this and will probably lose the lawsuit.

  6. Doesn't sound like any of the elderly women complained or suffered duress from the solo male review show. That said, using a stripper to entertain these women probably was not the best idea.

  7. First, I doubt anyone with SEVERE dementia would have been at the event. Second, even with mild/moderate dementia they can express their wishes about seeing and doing something they don't want to do.

  8. Other articles on this issue state that the gentleman who is suing signed a consent form for this event. He claims he didn't know their would be a male stripper because the consent said "a male dancer" to "entertain residents". Also, this happened in 2012 and all the other family members of the residents consented as well.

    1. That's possible, but I don't know, if she pretends she was coerced, I think it had to do with her son's influence over her. I think he's just after the money he assumes he'll get from a lawsuit.

  9. My mother lives in a facility like this, and has Alzheimer's…she has a good and bad days…..on a good day I could imagine her enjoying this in the spirit of fun….I don't think we, the adult children and grandchildren get to micromanage everything the elderly are allowed to do….it takes away their dignity and their adulthood. Its one thing to "protect" a person with dementia, but another thing to "forbid" her to go to something like this that she has a choice to go to or not.

  10. In most facilities the resident council is made up of residents who are alert and oriented, not those with dementia. These are residents who are higher functioning mentally but may have physical disabilities. I live in the area of the nursing home and was told families had to sign off on the activity for residents to participate. And supposedly this took place in the fall of 2012.

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