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OK, so Barack Obama has now officially been President of the United States for 100 days.  And if this were a true “Report Card” Mr. Obama would get an A+
For the first time in years (more specifically since the Clinton years), more Americans than not say the country is headed in the right direction, a noteworthy sign that President Obama has used the first 100 days of his presidency to lift the public mood and inspire hope amidst a bleak present for a brighter future.  Americans are intensely worried about their personal finances and medical expenses, but nonetheless appear realistic about the amount of time Mr. Obama might need to turn things around, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll. It shows most Americans consider their new President to be a strong, ethical and empathetic leader who is working very hard to change Washington.  

The percentage of Americans who say the country is headed in the right direction rose to 48 percent, up from 40 percent in February.  Not since January 2004 has an AP survey found public opinion to believe we’re more in the “right direction” than “wrong direction”.  But despite a bleak economic recession, President Obama has defied the odds with his optimistic outlook and plans.  The AP-GfK poll suggests that 64 percent of the public approves of Mr. Obama’s job performance. In comparison, President George W. Bush’s approval ratings were only in the high 50s after his first 100 days in office.
Although Republicans in Congress continue to attempt to defy Mr. Obama at every turn, even former non-believers are starting to come around.  “When Obama came in, it was just a breath of fresh air,” said D.T. Brown, 39, a Mount Vernon, Ill., radio show host who voted against Obama.  Even noted Republican strategist Ed Rollins believes President Obama is doing an excellent job, and gives him an A.
With Arlen Specter now switching to the Democratic Party on Mr. Obama’s watch and on the eve of his 100 Day Report Card, any grade of “A” is almost certainly now an A+.
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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Lanny Davis, a Clinton convert, speaks. The president has won him over in his first 100 days.Commentary excerpt:“Here's what I think: No. 1, he has proven to me something I had doubts about—that he is a man of very strong backbone and that he is grounded in saying what he means and meaning what he says. There were times during the debates where I wasn't sure of that in the primary campaign. As much as I was really impressed with him from the first minute I met him and certainly during his convention speech in 2004, I had my doubts about whether he was ready to be president. Not only am I converted, but just completely amazed at how quickly in 100 days he has proven his political courage.”Hat-tip: The Daily BeastI give the President an A+ on Statesmanship: Most Americans along with much of the world views him as… Read more »

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