Comments on: REPORT CARD: A+ News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 08:00:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Wed, 29 Apr 2009 22:44:00 +0000 Lanny Davis, a Clinton convert, speaks. The president has won him over in his first 100 days.Commentary excerpt:“Here's what I think: No. 1, he has proven to me something I had doubts about—that he is a man of very strong backbone and that he is grounded in saying what he means and meaning what he says. There were times during the debates where I wasn't sure of that in the primary campaign. As much as I was really impressed with him from the first minute I met him and certainly during his convention speech in 2004, I had my doubts about whether he was ready to be president. Not only am I converted, but just completely amazed at how quickly in 100 days he has proven his political courage.”Hat-tip: The Daily BeastI give the President an A+ on Statesmanship: Most Americans along with much of the world views him as a “CLASS ACT”. He has repeatedly extended his hand across the aisle to Republicans; has made significant progress towards repairing our image in the world and works tirelessly to restore a sense of confidence and pride among the American people. More time is needed before we’ll know whether his plans addressing a host of issues (the economy, job creation, foreign policy, energy, education, climate change, etc) yields positive outcomes. I give the President an overall job performance grade of B+ and I’m noting that his efforts, during the primaries and general campaigns, laid the groundwork for creating the kind of environment conducive to making a moderate republican (like Arlen Specter) feel comfortable switching to the Democratic Party! Not bad Mr. President. Not bad at all 🙂
