Current Events


Spread The Love
On Saturday night, Houston became the nation’s largest city to elect its first openly gay Mayor.

City Controller Annise Parker defeated former City Attorney Gene Locke 53% to 47%, in an election victory that would mark a milestone for gay men and lesbians around the country. Ms. Parker’s sexual orientation did not become an issue in the race until the general election produced no winner and led to a run-off between her and Mr. Locke, who is black and enjoys strong support among African-American voters.  Some extremely ugly attacks came from a group of black pastors who spoke out against Ms. Parker for what they called her “gay agenda,” prompting two separate anti-gay advocates to send out fliers in the mail calling attention to her support from gay groups and to her relationship with her longtime partner (they have been together 19 years and have two adopted children).  Mr. Locke denied having anything to do with the attacks, but two members of his finance committee gave $40,000 to help finance one of the mailings.

Several national gay-rights groups came to the aid of Ms. Parker’s campaign with money and volunteers to man telephone banks in an orchestrated “get-out-the-vote” effort.  Obviously, their efforts proved successful.  Mayor-elect Parker will be sworn in during ceremonies in early January.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Personally, I think THIS is FANTASTIC news!From what I've read about her, she seems well qualified for the job_and apparently the majority of Houston voters agree.

  2. I was wondering if you were going to cover this story. Glad to see you did.This was a historic moment and brought much joy to the LGBT community. Every bit of progress made however large or small is worth something. I agree with Truthiz that this is FANTASTIC news. Congratulations to the new Mayor!

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