Forget about Arnold Schwarzenegger. There’s a real-life ‘Trump Terminator’ who’s about to finally take down Donald Drumpf (yes, that’s his REAL last name) once and for all!
Politics :
Unless you’ve been living on the dark side of the moon, you’re aware that Donald Trump is in a heap of trouble from decades of cheating the law and wealth and white privilege getting him off. However, depending on how you look at it, he’s now facing some good news and some bad news.

THE GOOD NEWS: Donald Trump has discovered that another 4 years in the Oval Office could benefit him in 2 very specific ways. Number 1, he could finish the job of turning America from a democracy into a dictatorship (where he could exact revenge against his enemies and potentially serve as ruler for however long he chooses). And, number 2, he could end all federal investigations and indictments against him, effectively giving him a “Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free” card. So, winning the presidency is the quickest and perhaps last-ditch method available to save his own butt.
THE BAD NEWS: Donald Trump has already been indicted in New York for paying hush money to a former porn star. He’s currently under indictment for removing highly sensitive classified documents from The White House and illegally hoarding them at his Florida mansion. An indictment could come any day now for his role in inciting the Capitol Hill insurrection on January 6, 2021. Additionally, Trump faces impending charges in Michigan for staging a “fake electors” scheme during the 2020 election — and for pressuring officials in Georgia to “find” him 11,780 votes so he could be declared the winner of that state.
Needless to say, if someone looked up the definition of Trouble in the dictionary, they’d likely find a photo of Donald Trump posted on the full page. However, despite the enormous hole ‘The Donald’ has dug for himself, there’s one major hurdle he must overcome: Special Counsel Jack Smith, AKA ‘The Trump Terminator.’
In case you’re unaware, Jack Smith is the no-nonsense special counsel who’s been appointed by the US Justice Department to handle the growing Trump indictments. Smith is so savvy at his job that it is said while other legal minds are playing checkers, Smith is busy playing chess.
Here’s a single example of Smith’s legal and mental maneuvering.

Last week, Trump thought he could persuade Judge Aileen Cannon (who he appointed to the bench) to delay setting a trial date for the classified documents case until after the 2024 presidential election. However, since Judge Cannon didn’t want the world to see her giving Trump preferential treatment, she denied his delay request and set a trial date for May 20, 2024. This now means that Trump will be on trial in the middle of the presidential election.
To the Trump team, the news wasn’t all that bad, since setting a trial date for May gives them ample time to stall and file continuous motions to delay until after the election.

However, ‘Trump Terminator’ Jack Smith was one step ahead of them all. He let it be known that if Judge Cannon and the Trump squad attempted to stall until after the election, he’d simply move forward with an indictment in the January 6th Capitol Hill case — AND file the case in the District of Columbia where he’d almost assuredly get a favorable jury and a quick conviction.
But, wait. Jack Smith wasn’t done.
To add more fuel to the fire, Smith made contact over the weekend with Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp to obtain testimony regarding Trump’s election interference in that state.
“I can confirm our office has been contacted by Jack Smith’s office, but we will decline to comment further at this time,” a spokesman for the governor said on Saturday.
The Kemp contact comes after Smith arranged back in June for Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to provide similar testimony.
Raffensperger has since confirmed that his office did, in fact, share with the Department of Justice video footage of election counting from 2020 and other (damning) proof.

A recent discussion on CNN best summarized the depth and gravity of the Trump situation led by the Trump Terminator.
“We may have a former president here soon who will have more indictments than impeachments,” said CNN anchor Jim Acosta. “How will other cases fit into this? There’s no formal coordination on timing, but you could see a scenario next year where Trump is literally bouncing from the courtroom to the campaign trail back and forth.”
“Jack Smith is a master chess player. He’s been doing this for a very long time,” said former House impeachment counsel Norm Eisen, who is convinced Jack Smith has another trick up his sleeve.
“So now with the target letter in the 2020 election interference case, in case all of you are right and that trial slips, what does Jack Smith do? He’s going to file in D.C., a very favorable bench, great jury pool for him. Says, ‘fine, Judge Cannon, you want to move that trial, we’ll just slide in the 2020 election interference trial and we’ll do that before the election.'”

Will Donald Drumpf make it through the 2024 presidential election and back to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue where he can use the powers of the presidency to save himself from legal jeopardy? Or, will the hits just keep coming as the Trump Terminator builds case after case that can only end with ‘The Donald’ spending his remaining years in federal prison?
OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Trump Terminator Jack Smith vs. ‘The Donald.’
Vanity Fair:
Donald Trump received some no good, extremely bad legal news on Friday, when The Guardian reported that Fani Willis, the Fulton County district attorney criminally investigating his attempt to overturn the 2020 election in Georgia has “developed evidence to charge a sprawling racketeering indictment next month,” according to people familiar with the matter. Obviously, being charged with racketeering would be exactly as bad as it sounds—and yet somehow, that wasn’t even the worst news the ex-president received today.
Instead, it was likely the decision by Aileen Cannon—a federal judge Trump himself appointed—to set a trial date of May 20, 2024, for Trump to face off with the federal government in the classified-documents case, that had staffers and aides hiding in hallways and coat closets to avoid Trump’s ire (and whatever ketchup bottles he could get his hands on). While the spring date is several months later than prosecutors had requested, it is very much well before the post-election one Team Trump had been angling for in the hopes of putting it off until the ex-president could have won a second term and made all of his legal problems—on the federal level, that is—go away.
In related news, The Washington Post reports that Trump’s many legal issues—including the New York case, the DOJ’s documents case, and the possible Georgia case, and the DOJ’s election-interference case that he’s expected to be charged in—are eating into a huge amount of campaign funds:
And if you’re thinking perhaps Trump was chipping in at least a little bit of his own money for his legal fees, think again. According to the Post, the former guy “is not relying on his personal fortune to cover his legal bills.” (You expected Trump pay for this s–t out of pocket like some kind of commoner? C’mon now.)
“Will Donald Drumpf make it through the 2024 presidential election and back to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue where he can use the powers of the presidency to save himself from legal jeopardy?” – DJ
If the majority of American voters show up and vote, No, he won’t.
“Or, will the hits just keep coming as the Trump Terminator builds case after case that can only end with ‘The Donald’ spending his remaining years in federal prison?”
He certainly deserves to spend the rest of his miserable life in federal prison. But I doubt that he actually will.
I do expect case after case to keep building and hopefully he’ll be convicted of at least one charge, if not multiple charges, and sentenced to serve Some time in prison.
Jack Smith is going to be the terminator alright. They got so much on Trump all at the same time he will have a hard time keeping up. As far as going to jail I think there is another plan. If they can get him to accept a plea deal not to run for anything again that is probably the plan. They keep hitting him on all sides and it is costing him too. They are real smart about it.
BD, if indeed that is their plan, there had better be more to that plea deal than taking that serial liar’s word that he won’t run again.
In other words, it had better be the kind of plea deal that’s backed by the law, to ensure that he absolutely cannot ever run for ANY political office again. End of story. Full stop.
Anything short of that is foolishness and a dangerous pipedream.